
Nearly 187,000 children in Gaza protected against polio

Nearly 187,000 children in Gaza protected against polio

In the first phase of the polio impregnation campaign in Gaza Strip, there are more than 187,000 children who can be impregnated for a year. “The first phase of the polio impregnation in central Gaza is gone,” wrote the head of the welfare organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, on the platform X.

Das Ziel, in dem Zeitraum in der Gegend 156,500 Kinder zu impfen, sei be überaffect. In the coming days three days were completed in the Center for Gaza Stripes and four Standorten weiter Impfungen angeboten, write Tedros more. Once you have completed the Hamas check, you will find it in the city of Deir al-Balah and in the Flüchtlingsviertel Nuseirat.

Tedros will leave the time to start the beginning of the impf campaign in the southern part of the war zone. These people will lose the Donnerstag and the WHO call 340,000 Kinder erreichen.

“Those three people created a flash of light that brought the prevailing conflicts to Gaza,” said Adele Khodr, UNICEF Regional Director for the Eastern East and North Africa, mit. Viele Familien tend to do the Impfstellen.

For the impfungen the time and effort were worth buying camp break-ins. »The combined pauses were concluded in this first phase«, summarized Khodr. It is a matter of dealing with the “most fearsome and fierce impfcampagnes of the world”. Proud camp breakers become a great obstacle and gefahren – the plundering and destroyed roads.

Roads of unsanitary care with their hundreds of injuries on a war in Gaza strip for the first fall of polio (childhood disease) can take 25 years. An eleven months old baby is affected. There is talk of an impfstoff-abgeleitete polioviren (cVDPV Type 2). Genau dagegen wird nun geimpft.

After the World Health Organization (WHO) has taken more than 90 percent of the child-implied measures, there is an extension of the prevention. After four weeks, all those affected require a second dose.

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