
Christian Koth and Florian Fischer have put together a program

Christian Koth and Florian Fischer have put together a program

Christian Coth It will be ready until September 1 Program Manager for the entire Sachbuch zum Team der Penguin-Sachbuch-Verlage gestoßen. Nach Stationen bei Ullstein und Hanser baute Koth in de finisch den Year van de Sachbuch-programma van de Aufbau-edition uit en in de holte Autor:vrouwen met Natalia Amiri, Emilia Roig, Robin Wall Kimmerer, Janina Ramirez oder Rüdiger Fritsch ins Programm.

Bereits seit Anfang des Jahres hat Florian Visser die Program for the popular Sachbuch at the Penguin Verlagen übernommen. After the bad stations at Piper, Hoffmann, Campe, Gräfe and Unzer, the programs of Droemer Knaur have changed in 2021 in the Lektorat of Karen Guddas. They are authors of Britney Spears, Walter Isaacson, Riley Keough, Heinrich Breloer or Désirée Nick.

Karen Guddas, Verlagsleiterin des Penguin Sachbuchs, Enjoy your work: “With Florian Fischer and Christian Koth, we have created two creative and innovative programs from Penguin Book. Together with our colleagues in the Lektorat, the great bandbreite our book program has been fortified, we have to carry out new authorisations, new impulses and new developments and trends, nor could we react more quickly.”

Jens Dehningbisher Programmleiter Geschichte und Gesellschafter, will take up the new position of editor at Large der Penguin Sachbuch Verlage on September 1. With authors by Robin Alexander, Joachim Gauck, Kamala Harris, Christina Morina or Leonie Schöler, who Jens Dehning has included in the Verledenenzehn Jahren das Sachbuchprogramma. Auch in Zukunft wird von Berlin aus wichtige Autor:innen questions and the program of Penguin Sachbuch Verlage with entwickeln.