
The Currywurst is no longer from the pot – it is also not the best

The Currywurst is no longer from the pot – it is also not the best

The Streit um de Herkunft en de Geschmack der Currywurst is op 75. Jubilee weather. A Sachbuch belegt: Die Currywurst comes from the Ruhr area. If you don’t know anymore, you can do the best.

There are two questions, which zum 75. Geburtstag der Currywurst in de Ruhrgebied and in de andere deel van Berlin op de Tisch-müssen: What is financed and how is the best? Obviously, it is a different story that does with the sausage with woolen woolen things, but the seriousness of it is not so serious.

The Herkunftsfrage was kümmert by the Essene Gregor Lauenburger and Tim Koch. You will love it with your favorite Sachbuch “Alles Currywurst – or was?” den Beweis: the Currywurst comes from the Ruhr area.

In 1936, and after 13 years before Herta Heuws first Currywurst in Berlin, the Duisburg Peter Hildebrand had the idea to refine a Wurst with Tomato Sauce and a well-known Gewürz. The authors of the books are intended for a “Pottler” who has so much knowledge of the time and the documentation.

Bleibt also that two Frage: “Wo schmeckt sie denn nun am besten?” Here stops ich mich kurz: Die Wurst in Berlin kan een man in der Pfeife rauchen. Was that the last bit of news? Bisschen Ketchup with Curry Pulver as such a purchase?! Schmeckt einfach nur langweilig.

Spontaneous experience with the experience of the Currywurst at the Mittwoch with “Wurst Willi” – they were very welcome at Imbiss in Dortmund. You know it, you are welcome, but you are allowed to do it. Jetzt will erase ich’s wirklich. I’m happy: Dort, wo sich tagch because in the Fußgängerzone vor der Petrikirche long Schlangen hungry People are there, there is very little loose. The regnet is from Eimern. I also come to the Reihe: “Einmal Curry mit Pommes Schranke bitte.”

Then come across the Worst. Wichtig: Viel Sauce, well grilled Wurst – which is produced by Willi Nowaskowski vom Metzger seines Vertrauens in Bergisch Gladbach bei Köln. Anyway: it’s high and don’t leave it in the stunden on the grill.

And now most importantly: The Sauce. If it is too moderate, slightly salty, but really only light, not even good, and yes – it is a little not bad – also slightly sweet. Here is the drinking of Zucker – and it is so, that the light sweetness of the abuse is the secrets of the events of Willi. Verraten will not get the answer back. Conclusion: It tastes good today. There is nothing wrong with it.

A representative of the Umfrage is being dealt with here.