
Russian “Secret Service-Meeressäugetier” Hvaldimir was a “tödlichen Intervention” unterzogen

Russian “Secret Service-Meeressäugetier” Hvaldimir was a “tödlichen Intervention” unterzogen

Russian “Secret Service-Meeressäugetier” Hvaldimir was a “tödlichen Intervention” unterzogen

Before a few years ago a Beluga whale named Hvaldimir came to work, who was a Kamerhalterung-trug, the speculation was a lie that the Russian Navy was training for Espionagezweck to wage war. After you have eaten fried food and Norwegian cuisine, Hvaldimir später to the bottom. The Ursache blessing Todes is now unavailable.

While the Tierwohlorganisationen Noah and One Whale were enthusiastic, while Hvaldimir had more Schusswunden, there was an idea about a number of possible Verbrechen that came up at one point. Regina Crosby Haug, director of One Whale, described the Verletzungen as “beunruhigend and indicative of a Straftat”, with Siri Martinsen, Direktorin von Noah, dieselgang soldiers.

The image that the organization showed was light, said a broke Hvaldimir with the visible Schusswunden, had been left behind on the Vorhandensein von Kugeln. The Tierwohlgruppen have reported the Vorfall der Polizei and ordered a general investigation.

The Wals-Körper has started in a Norwegian purchase and in the local national veterinary institutions for a transport transport. The ergebnisse that this research has undergone, was within three weeks by the institute verified, the guidelines of the information provision, which would have likely consequences.

Connections for Russian Navy?

The Wal Wurde First 2019 in Norway was a war, a war fought through a room, with the “Ausrüstung von St. Petersburg” described war. If the Norwegian wal is called “Hvaldimir”, “Hval” is displayed “Wal” on the Norwegian bed and “dimir” on its vermuteten Russian Verbindungen.

Zum Zeitpunkt der Sichtung stellte das Norwegian Fischereidirektorat de Theorie auf, dass Hvaldimir von der Russian Marine trainiert war and aus der Gefangenschaft entkommen war. Wissenschaftlern is dependent on the fact that the halterung of Wal goes to the enterprise, but the water swing and the discharge of the Ausrust-bleibt-rätselhaft. The Russian Directorate has no Theorien experience whatsoever.

Both the Soviet Union and the United States used dolphins during the Cold War. These marine mammals were trained to detect submarines and sea mines, and to identify suspicious persons or objects near ports and ships.

Despite initial speculation about Russian Navy training, recent findings of multiple gunshot wounds on Hvaldimir suggest otherwise. The incident has raised concerns among animal welfare groups and police investigations.

The whistleblowing practices of the Noah and One Whale organizations, and the visible gunshot wounds on Hvaldimir, raise questions about the previous idea that the whale was a trained spy for the Russian Navy.

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