
Weniger Pflanzenschutzmittel auf Feldern planted

Weniger Pflanzenschutzmittel auf Feldern planted

BERLIN (dpa-AFX) – The Einsatz von Pflanzenschutzmitteln auf den Feldern soll nach Planen des Bundesagrarministeriums zurückgehen. Furthermore, in the case of land use in the low light, the guests were happy to be treated and cared for, said Ressortchef Cem Özdemir (Grüne) in Berlin. If you use the German art painting, it will bloom a little, so that the ant herb can no longer. Gelten solle: “So fell who nötig and so wenig wie möglich.” Ziel, de Verwendung von Pflanzenschutzmitteln bis 2030 om 50 Prozent zu verringern.

Özdemir proposed a program with maßnahmen, which is the cooperation, financing, deliberation and innovation soul. “Wir setzen auf economics Anreize and auf die landwirtschaftliche Vernunft statt auf Verbote.” Consider the view from the perspective of the wider variety of garden plants and a better freshness of the biological gardening protection. You will enjoy the soul, the Flächenanteil des Okolandbaus bis 2030 auf 30 Prozent auszudehnen.

If the minister concretes, the big fortress of the industry is active in the fight against the war – and more with extinguishing efforts or digital technology, a plant protection device that is praised by the fielder. The climbing action has started, but the man who had no Pflanzenschutz-auskommen, became – and it was a raid with pilzen or the next time he suffered from feuchtigkeit. If you find that clear, all instruments and methods for a certain Wachstum will be solved.

The nature conservation association (Nabu) is a program that is the first Arbeitsgrundlage. Es brauche noch mehr Verbindlichkeit./sam/DP/nas