
Automotive industry: Neue Ansätze für eine softwarebasierte Zukunft

Automotive industry: Neue Ansätze für eine softwarebasierte Zukunft

Software definition of the software in the field of the most advanced paradigms in the automotive industry.

The software is no longer a resource, but the central role in the vehicle is one of the most important. Soul of the automotive industry is that, the Fahrzeugkunden new and extended functions ensure that there are security updates offered.

The monolithic vehicle software

Developer must have one of the best software requirements, which provide high security and quality guarantees of the industry. A set of monolithic software components can be used and easier active software components of the main functions of the functionality are used. The establishment of new platforms and Toolchains is one of the partners in the industry.

One of the complicated components that you can use is that drivers narrowly with software solutions and packages together provide a solution for the process and tools that are efficient and the best for the new experience. If there are drivers, there are resources for different functions for their concentration.

New E/E architecture

Traditionally, OEM functions have been specifically developed and combined with Zulieferern auf dedizierte Steuergeräte (Electronic Control Units, ECUs). Dieser Ansatz is a flexible service and wiederverwendung. There are only a few ECUs in the line that do not support the Lebenszyklus and no longer work.

The new SDV requirements offer architects that have a practical effect. The ECUs are increasingly made smaller by a software broadcast on new computer platforms with high performance (High-Performance Computing, HPC). On these platforms other operating systems can be operated and service-oriented architects (service-oriented architectures) can be implemented. There is a lot of attention for wireless updates. It is possible to connect the connection and the cloud and to communicate with the mobile radio system of central beddeutung.

Reuse by design

The soul of software development may well be the case, software can use one of the hardware machines, a portability and flexibility of the possibilities to change a different segment and hardware platform (reuse by design). This art, the software that is used, offers a higher level of abstraction. With this platform-based software development of vereinfachen, it is an integrated Ansatz on the basis of models. Let the functions of a certain hardware work and test it first by using the code generation and the desired platform. Tools, which are automatically optimized for the jewelry research hardware that is running, the hardware resources are optimal for optimizing those processes and protections in this.

Simulations in the Software Factory

There are further individual fortifications in the vehicle software development, which marks the high automation and robust integration for software development, integration, validation and release, which is often offered as “Software Factory” in the world. These faulty solutions can be applied in the Automotive Area. There are new updates and regular updates are carried out. In the automotive field, security-critical systems are set that are covered by the insurance, for the existing implementation and existing processes. The integration of the software-defined vehicles (SDV) in the software factory is new.

One of the most important Baustein models is the re-examination of the software factory with simulation models of vehicles and the components that provide a virtual well-being. The automatic validation of the processing systems of the system is carried out under the physical properties of the vehicle. It is possible that the physical tests that perform tests are not fully performed, but that more and more software updates are available, or the safety of the problems.

During the automatic, extensive testing and verification (Shift-Left), the build process is automated by the software factory and the homologation of the most critical software, which according to the traditional tradition can get more money in the anspruch. Higher updates are possible, without the security of the machine. If the rapid response to cyber attacks or cyber attacks is carried out, the software that is available is increasingly in demand. The reproduction of the software factory offers the transparency of production with the quality of the developed software.

Quality in constant cleaning

Once the DevOps model stops producing more energy and a natural development of the software factory, the end of development is not so long with the start of production production, but it is the best way to use cars. So the software can be on the continuous basic watch, run and break.

Here you will find nice bets on the Fahrzeugflotte where complete information is given, which can be flown in the development through updates. By helping the basic simulation, we can make a critical analysis of the situation and can strengthen a lot. The processing of the large data, which is merged from the Flotte, ensures an efficient über Cloud platform with elastic resources. Based on the analyses, non-essential updates were carried out, the existing software components are new and valid for the simulation. Finally, the necessary software components are now transferred to the Fahrzeug-übertragen. This is a DevOps-integrated employee who works directly in the lung function and thus makes a safe and efficient Fahrzeugutilzung bei.

Fazit: Zukünftige Fahrzeugentwicklung erordert nieuw Wege

The walk through the automotive industry with the SDVs provides a thought process in the business processes and the integration of integrated, flexible solutions. Engineers and developers ensure that software development is maximized, that the capacity of the functionality is increased and improved, that more and more updates are performed, a vehicle on the production of the latest state of the art.

To achieve this goal, strong partnerships with and between software providers are essential. Solche Partner does not need technical know-how, but also the large tools and the composite tools, one of the complex solutions of SDV’s that you need. Direction and legitimacy, which can help motorists to turn the vision and innovative power of SDV’s into reality and to shape the automotive industry with care.

Robert ter Waarbeek

is Industry Manager Automotive EMEA at MathWorks.