
“Wer wird Millionär”-Kandidat nahm in einem Jahr 40 Kilo ab

“Wer wird Millionär”-Kandidat nahm in einem Jahr 40 Kilo ab

“We’re going to be millionaires”
Candidates can go to Jauch, because 40 kilos were left behind in one year

"Who will become a millionaire?"-Candidate Benjamin Boritzka

“Who Will Be a Millionaire” Candidate Benjamin Boritzka Wants to Earn a Lost Cash After Finding His Doctor One of the Highest Blood Pressure Certificates

© Guido Engels / RTL

I have written the Specials tag of “Wer zou een miljoen zijn” with the Candidates, nor a “letzte Chance”. One of the wars of Benjamin Boritzka, who verriet Abnehm-Trick.

Whoever wishes to see all the Candidates and who will have the opportunity to have a great holiday in Aukrug in Schleswig-Holstein will be happy with the “Wer wird Millionär” message. During the broadcast of the event specials “Die 3-Millionen-Euro-Woche” the motto is: “Letzte Chance”. All Candidates also have the most difficulty with the Auswahlrunden, a bit like the Ratestuhl, which they also interfere with.

Benjamin Boritzka said that he was just in the Auswahlrunde, the war would not last long, one of the Ratestuhl Platz on his next. After the entsprechenden Einspieler were said, Günther Jauch excerpts from 41-Jährigen: “Zweifelt man an sich selber, schimpft man aufs System, or was Kracht dann?” “Also first I am happy with myself, I have become whole, I have become smaller within myself.” Who is the power, Jauch frags. “Einmal am Tag essen”, so the Antwort. “That’s not enough,” says the moderator. It’s a good idea to get that good feeling “and then 24 nights”. This amount will weigh 40 kilos within a few years.

Guilt and the overflowing Pfunden, are the first swing that woman has been. “I have become from hardcore sportsman to hardcore family man”. If the professional group has received a high blood pressure “and everything, was so with a high weight”, it is so that as a Personal Trainer can call on an essential tag.

“Wer wird Millionär” – Candidate lives with family in living vehicle

Together with wife, dog and three children the family member lives in a Wohnmobil. Once it is so that your life has been, then the woman who goes to the Glück, with her good sense. Mittlerweile is a question of living, that goes through the einschulung of the task and the job as Lkw-Fahrer oftsgebunden sei.

Ben Ende asked himself the question: “Which state is the largest part of the island of Pulau Ujong? A: Thailand, B: Singapore, C: Cambodia or D: Vietnam. There is a separation for Thailand, right where Singapore has been. Thank you three Joker fell from the 64,000 euro prize to the security level of 16,000 euros back and can get into the final in the Thursday qualifying, buy the 16,000 euro hurdle, the chance to win three million euros – now is the time. It may be that part of the time is played with the profit you make insert.

Unlucky bird of the Abends war Tobias Pietsch from Freiburg. The people who live in Hanfladen thought that they would know the answer to the 1000-Euro-Frage: “Obviously you have the right to read it, it is clear and bright – everything has changed since then…”. A: Schlagwörter, B: Zitate, C: Plattitüden or D: Redensarten. Antwort C was chosen and went home with 500 euros. In 2019, 64,000 euros or 500 euros were dropped, but the Joker saves money. Danach is “Rotz en Wasser geheult”, after all it is stated that Money has no golden power.

"Who will become a millionaire?": Kandidat verrät bei Jauch, who has gained 40 kilos in a year

If you sign up for the 81-year-old WWM candidate, you still can’t use it

02:45 minutes

Do you see in the video: You can Günther Jauch nog: Seine 81 years other candidates see, are active on Tinder. If so?

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