
Büromöbel: objecthouse GmbH übernimmt Sparte together with Mitarbeiter von Laberenz GmbH

Büromöbel: objecthouse GmbH übernimmt Sparte together with Mitarbeiter von Laberenz GmbH

Laberenz Geschäftsführer Sascha Bischof (left) and object house Geschäftsführer Andreas Blaschke (right). – Photo: objecthouse GmbH

Superior of Sparte and Mitarbeiter

05.09.24 – We have acquired the Objecthouse GmbH from Fulda in the German Geschäftsfeld and the Büromöbelsparte von der Kohlhaus and Laberenz GmbH.

object house has been in the ganzheitlichen Arbeitsplatzgestaltung-tätig since 2001. The Empire of Expertise bystander advice, biggest plans up to there professionals and competencies Realization. Another problem is that it lies on the ergonomic area Abstimmung von Möbeln, Licht und Akustik.

The umbrella object is an object house, the position on the Büromöbelmarkt is better and the long experience of Laberenz with the quality and competition they offer.

The separation of the office space by the office space is followed by an object and a trustful combination of both. If Answer Partner furthers the Laberenz Kunden Eduard Fehler to the page, the fallback zur objecthouse GmbH gewechselt ist. There is a report under the telephone number 0171-3650481 or under (email address).

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