
Volkswagen schließt Werkschließungen nicht aus – Sparkurs

Volkswagen schließt Werkschließungen nicht aus – Sparkurs

VW Betriebsratchefin Daniela Cavallo

Der VW-konzern schließt Werkschließungen im Zuge des Sparkurses nicht mehr aus: The economic environment has changed considerably. Gewerkschaft en Betriebsrat sträuben sich.02.09.2024 | 2:04 min

The situation at Europe’s largest car manufacturers is like this: Volkswagen is providing its Sparkurs and is no longer closing its first factory shutdowns in Germany. If you make a purchase in 2029, it is possible that the costs of delivery may be possible.

There is a set a speaking program on the assembly of the operating council before. VW chief Oliver Blume said that the auto industry would find one of the most successful and serious matters.

The economical environmental hat is still available, new offers to Europe. The bottom line is that it is all on Standort Deutschland at the Wettbewerbsfähigkeit weiter zurückfällt. In Diesem Umfeld you as Unternehmen must consistently move forward.

Oliver Blume, Volkswagen CEO

Peter Kunz

It goes “gar nicht mehr um das Ob”, under “nur noch um das Wie en Wann”. Dies became a heart of Swiss Belegschaft and Vorstand “ausgefochten”, according to Peter Kunz, ZDF-Reporter.
03.09.2024 | 2:46 minutes

Betriebsrat will not accept standortschließungen

The company and the operating council can accommodate a large number of broader positions. The chief operating councillor Daniela Cavallo asked the board to reconsider an extensive broader position that is the Plane. The subject is “an anger at our description, standard and rates”, which is shown in one of the “Midbestimmen” declarations of commitment. Thorsten Gröger, the head of the Lower Saxony IG-Metall district manager, spoke of an “unresponsible plan”, which “exposes the fundamentals of Volkswagen”.

“Für das umsatzstärkste German Unternehmen, nor dazu mit Staatsbeteiligung, sind die Ankündigungen eine historic Zäsur,” says Peter Kunz, Leader of the ZDF-Landesstudios in Lower Saxony.

Volkswagen goes as Arbeitgeber with Goldstandard. Höchste Löhne, sicherer Job, ergolgreich durch Masse. The sales of the car market are no longer that interesting. All you need is your management.

Peter Kunz, Leader of the ZDF Landesstudios in Lower Saxony

Lower Saxony, Wolfsburg: The VW logo is on the Markenhochhaus in Volkswagen Stammwerk.

The Volkswagen Group has ended the campaign that has loaded its main collection. Main themes were among others the development of E-Cars and the sold competition from China.29.05.2024 | 1:16 min

Would you like to buy Volkswagen factories from the Kippe?

In one of the company’s business areas, management is discontinuing a large automotive plant that is a component factory for airflow. “All German locations are in focus – whether in the Volkswagen AG location or the German location, whether in West or East German,” he said.

Panda Bear (Figure) on laptop

Volkswagen wurden Mitte Mai brisante Daten gestohlen. Spuren weisen zu Hackern from China.23.04.2024 | 6:45 minutes

Which work could avoid lost costs, remained open. VW has launched a savings program, with the arrival of the ergebnis until 2026, when the millennium euro was adopted.

Prime Minister Weil: Schließungen sind nicht beschlossen

Lower Saxony’s Prime Minister Stephan Weil (SPD) does not see work closures at Volkswagen as beschlossen. It was of great importance that most people in the future would no longer be “ob”, but that they would be “intensive” to discuss. einbezogen werden”.

We are automatically adjusting the rates at Volkswagen. Weiter said Weil: “We are aware that the Frage einer Schließung von Standorten due to the hereditary Nutzung von Alternativen schlichtweg nicht stellt. That Landesregierung wird darauf a special Augenmerk emptyen.”

Volkswagen Group annual press conference

The Volkswagen Group, which achieved great sales in 2023, has gained as much as the German profit: up to 17.9 billion euros, so that is not the case.13.03.2024 | 2:00 minutes

Source: ZDF, Reuters