
Fear and friendship: Essstörungen bij Jugendlichen verstehen – en helfen

Fear and friendship: Essstörungen bij Jugendlichen verstehen – en helfen

Let more young people know about mental problems, while they are causing essential problems. Which survivor did it? Is this a healing? And who can help the help and the friendship? Answers by experts.

Acid reflux, bulimia, obesity – over the years, Essstörungen have increased worldwide, since the Corona pandemic once again. It is a choice for all alternative classes, for all other medical purposes. Global study up to 8.4 percent of women in the 18th to 25th century and up to 2.2 percent of men in the choice of an essential Essstörung, it is called from the German Society for Psychosomatic Medicine and Medical Psychotherapy ( DGPM).

Who will ever find out: Was it bad that your whole life was affected? Antworten von Professor Stephan Zipfel, Ärztlicher Director of the Department of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy at the Medical University Clinic Tübingen.

Who is coming, is it true that young people are affected by the Essstörungen?

Insgesamt nehmen seit rund 20 years enormous amount of computing power among young people in the world of geese, except in industrial nations. Gründe dafür können global Trends wie gesellschaftliche Veränderungen, soziale Medien, Kriege und der Klimawandel sein, schreiben führende Forschende im aktuellen Fachreport “The Lancet Psychiatry Commission on Youth Mental Health”. “Diese Entwicklungen führen zu increased Distress, zu Entfremdung en vermehrter Einsamkeit”, explains Stephan Zipfel.

“There is a war going on about a heavily burdened situation in youth, and the Covid pandemic and the consequences of the lockdown have become a little bigger,” Zipfel said. The räumliche and social isolation within the nuclear family has caused more stress and tension, which is underexposed from their burdened groups.

And above all: “It is not that there are a number of people who work with other young people, personal contacts with family representatives who live socially or personally.” There are many problems and problems with dealing with people, which can solve a big problem. “Daraus entstand a completely toxic situation, soft drinks have hit a rightly expressed Essstörung entwickelt haben.”

Are people sick and affected?

There has been a study done on a control or a control of the psychosomatic expert. “When you notice that life, that my life slips out of my hands, there is a group of people who try to regain their grip on their lives by controlling their nutritional status, their weights.” When you play a role, the appetite and weight regulation are inherent to the evolution of the basic anchoring basis. “Now that a small group of people is occupied with solving the problems, the control of the control is with a good result for the affected associations.”

A passion is that “der Selbstwert, das Selbstbild, dass das Selbstbewusstsein zunehmend davon ahängt, wie ich meinen Körper, meinen Appetit Control”. Zipfel describes these symptoms as “synton, that is his own, with his own personal connections, his own fast recovery” – in this situation the Erkrankung zum Teil der Persönlichkeit zu become.

Who can find a man from the Essstörung heraus?

The goal is: To prevent damage, after falling, since treatment and recovery, says Stephan Zipfel. There is a message from the Ergebnissen about a treatment study on psychotherapy for skinny, and measures have been taken. Therapy content all year round 41 Prozent der Patientinnen when genes were eingestuft. “The bottom line is: If you have a symptom shift, you will not be affected by the effects of the symptoms or in the areas of other psychological symptoms.”

Once man has known, development is a process and nothing has ever gone further. This means that the Zipper is safe, that the affected person and the care provider are happy to help you with your treatment plans, and also discuss: What kind of treatment is possible? The techniques help here, the inner motivation of the lungs is great. Aber auch diese ersten Schritte can be reinforced and geschmerzhaft sein.

“One of the greater ambivalent lenses for those affected is: If I choose to have a therapy, I would rather not have to worry about the pain, but even if it stabilizes itself, it can also be avoided. ”

If you have seen the Impulse relatively, you will get the impression of the Magersucht: “People with an Essstörung is not that Hilfe is not restrained, but they shoot through the air,” said Zipfel. “It is a reausforderung for the family and the friends, who are in this situation wrong.”

Was können Familie und Umfeld voor Menschen mit Essstörung tun?

“It is important that the friend and the family understand, it is not all responsible,” said Stephan Zipfel. “If I am of course in the situation as an Eltern, that is a different situation than that as a trafficker or a lehrerin or as a friend. And of course, if man is ever happy: Wer can wellche Verantwortung lagen?”

Manchmal hatten and friends of the family, who affected the affected cousin with their Eltern spricht, see their responsibility. “That was a real Überforderung,” said Zipfel. It was a fact that you said: “Lass uns maar mal zu Frau X or Y, unserer Schul-Sozialarbeiterin, gehen mit der gemeinsam sprechen”.

An appeal is made to the Beratungsstellen: “They are generally friendly and offer a professional context, in the affected person, first Unterstützung can be achieved.”

Who can contact family relations and representatives of the theme?

Overall: Machen Sie keine Vorwürfe und schimpfen Sie nicht. There is often talk of a communal ratschläge that often breaks away from the Abwehr, such as Zipfel. Wirksam und ergolgversprechend: de Beziehungsebene. “If you are in a position where you live, in a well-functioning way ever, it is important, that is the initial way: “Due, my heart is gone, that is not good, and that is what we are doing, and I could do this next half and see the next page “.”

If you don’t know that a problem is a problem the first time, there is a problem. Then, so Stephan Zipfel, has found his understanding: The Essstörung is for those affected often a verzweifelter loss and not a single gelaufene interpretation of Germany’s Next Top Model. “Then it can not be that the management of those affected gets much understanding – and then a reaction with a big reaction can occur.”

Information about affected, care and befriending services at the Federal Center for Health Enlightenment: Under the BzgA telephone number 0221 892031 you can make an appointment between 10 a.m. and 10 p.m. between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. to meet other people and to make contact with others or in the region that has welding.
