
The best addresses for bars, restaurants and hotels

The best addresses for bars, restaurants and hotels

Renata Prieto (right) and Santiago Fernández are a fable for arts and crafts and versammeln in ihrem Laden in Roma Norte velde Einzelstücke.

Renata Prieto (right) and Santiago Fernández are a fable for arts and crafts and versammeln in ihrem Laden in Roma Norte velde Einzelstücke.

Thanks to Pinguino

The Mexican city can walk an unattractive Moloch into a credible travel destination for a year. I’m curious: the Stadtteil Roma Norte – a hip Tummelplatz-hipper Einheimischer and gut-informierter Cosmopolitans.

A son Samstagmorgen in Calle Colima. The Main Road of Time in Viertels Roma Norte is a narrow, high-rise street with net cafes, chic boutiques and art galleries. Die Tische in front of the Café Constela is all occupied, gegenüber in Café Tilia is two women who can buy a laptop. In front of the Panadería Rosetta, you can enjoy the luxurious men’s breakfast, a man standing on a platter on the small terrace or on a glass of wine in the nostalgic white background, one of the freshly baked Gerstenbrote, a Tüte Croissants or a piece of a fantastic fresh beer torte.

Flying handlers knit their bunten-taschen and tucher on the sidewalks, Dogwalkers führen all Rudel von Königspudeln, Windhunden and Dalmatinern spazieren. The Stimmung is fried in a southern French village – but here is the Mexican city, a 22 million residential city in South America, nor for the kurzem as gefährlich galt.

Farbenfrohe Kunstwerke Mexikos – handmade stickers and artistic accessories that keep the rich culture and tradition of the countries alive.

Farbenfrohe Kunstwerke Mexikos – handmade stickers and artistic accessories that keep the rich culture and tradition of the countries alive.

Patricia Engelhorn

It is not long since Roma Norte does not go any further. Geographically, the natural city exists, no one voluntarily goes Dorthin. Why? The things that do not occur near the beets will probably be the whitewashed art deco buildings, the hint of the high trees and bundles of power cables that can all be used.

The construction and power cables have not been renewed from the Stadthäuser. And so Roma Norte was delighted with creativity capitals heute als bevorzugte Wohngegend. Kein Wunder. If you live in Mexico City, there is a small window so you can find the Zeitgeist: Everything was in a trend setting that was available.

Trotzdem – and the power of the charm of the market – have small supermarkets, meager working conditions, alternative pharmacies and Friseure over this. It is an unendliche Anzahl and schlicht Garküchen and Essensstanden, the heisse Hühnersuppe, Quesadillas, Tortas, Reis mit Bohnen or a freshly prepared Mango offers.

A secret stone tonight patience and a tourist who gives in, a little bit of delicious and a super cheap Street-Food here. If you feel like you’ve done something – man can (quickly) free everything and himself the Eiswürfel in cold coffee there is no problem anymore.

Hotel La Valise – How to get home

The charming «La Valise» is located in the Chain Small Luxury Hotels of the World and stays in another city palace, one of the best Roma-Norte-Lage. Tribes are the private character of the houses and the eight with Mexican antique figurines suits, all with clean bathrooms, manche with private terrace. Breakfast is served in the kitchen, the hotel is also served by a café.

Wed Luxus auf urbanes Flair trifft – das Hotel La Valise.

Wed Luxus auf urbanes Flair trifft – das Hotel La Valise.

Leandro Bulzzano Mayonnaise; DZ from 360 Francs

«My Friend Chava» – Fish restaurant

This mariachi play an airy hall with yellow metal tables and an open kitchen, which extends over the entire room. The beach-local atmosphere is focused on the vision of the chefs of Salvador Orozco, who has a chill-out-ambiente for his chill-out-fish-oriented desired hat.

Beach flair because in the Metropole.

Beach flair because in the Metropole.

Patricia Engelhorn

Zacatecas 172;

Restaurant Rosetta – First Lady

Inhabitant and chef Elena Reygadas was voted No. 1 among female chefs in 2023 by “The World’s 50 Best Restaurants”. In your local area, the lake Räume and the terrace are a city palace and castle with fermenting carrots with white mole and the Hoja Santa Tortelloni with Quesillo Cheese.

In Restaurante Rosetta, chef Elena Reygadas delights with creative Mexican cuisine.

In Restaurante Rosetta, chef Elena Reygadas delights with creative Mexican cuisine.

Maureen Evans

«Jenni’s Quesadillas» – Street food

Dieser Strasstand hat es mit seinen leckeren Maisfladen zu einer Prominenz brought. The quesadillas are pressed and fried, filled with a complete filling of the Wahl – Cheese Carton, Cheese Zucchini, Fleisch, Nur Cheese – and with the prepared toppings and/or other sauces. They cost fast gar nichts and schmecken köstlich.

Freshly pressed and freshly filled – Street Food, the best.

Freshly pressed and freshly filled – Street Food, the best.

Patricia Engelhorn

Merida, Ecke Colima


Tacos are ubiquitous in Mexico, the Discussions are the best, but there is no end to it. The Insider Tips in Roma Norte are the ones with fish dishes, crispy pork and guacamole full of carnitas de pescado from Tres Galones ( and the CochinitaThai tacos with pork, würziger soy sauce marinade, black beans and fermented chile from Stehim bis Cariñito (Guanajuato 53) besides. No more insider tips are the Taqueria Orinoco (, we will give the best Al-Pastor tacos, and El Parnita (, the meeting point of the Schickeria.

Café Trucha – Chill-out-Café

The cozy café on the beautiful Plaza Rio de Janeiro is in New York or London: with a joint mobility, fell Holz and a few Tisch for the Tür. Man kommt zum Frühstück or Lunch, the Baguettes, Scones and Torten are self-made, the Sandwiches, Salad and Chia-Puddings are delicious.

Plaza Rio de Janeiro 53;

«Oropel» – Vermouth and wine

Man cannot own the bar: the psychedelic bunt in the Hausfassade, in front of his terrastische reihen, is one of the few things he sees. The «Oropel» hat in the summer of 2022 is a special vermouth. It is sorted 30 degrees – do not believe that it is Haus-Apéro Vermouth Spritz.

182 Chihuahua;

Penguin – Craftsmanship

Renata Prieto and Santiago Fernández have done their work with handicrafts. You can make a groan and get to know the country and the best craftsmen personal. In the small loaded part it is a very exciting Auswahl, every piece is a zigzag art and has its own own Geschichte.

Paradies for the Lovers of Mexican Crafts and Individual Funds.

Paradies for the Lovers of Mexican Crafts and Individual Funds.

Thanks to Pinguino

180 Degrees – Fashion and more

A white, swoopingly embroidered beach dress? A poncho woven with geometric patterns? A last straw hut? In that small concept store it’s a cool fashion of Mexican design shops, there can be trouble in Italy on the beach or in Zurich in city bumpkin tragedies. For men and women.

Fashion and accessories, inspired by Mexican tradition and modern design.

Fashion and accessories, inspired by Mexican tradition and modern design.

Patricia Engelhorn

Madness – For gourmets

We do not know that there is a large packaging machine with the Mexican version, a connection to the secret device. More exciting is one of the delicious delicacies served in the kitchen, the delicious sauce and the cozy tortilla chips, the man who is served as home. It is a Mexican wine and a few delicious snacks.

Culinary hotspot for gourmets with local delicatessens.

Culinary hotspot for gourmets with local delicatessens.

Patricia Engelhorn

OMR – Top Gallery

A gallery for contemporary art and artistic late American art.

A gallery for contemporary art and artistic late American art.


The last 40 years of a few gefoundte galleries was the first to be the most influential sorting for contemporary art in Mexico and zählt bis heute zu den einflussreichsten. Think of the second generation of the Leitung übernommen and the iconic Gebäude in Roma Norte as Hauptsitz auserwählt. It was worth helping all employees of late American art, one of the many Mexican companies.

Olivia Foundation – Women power

Their own people stop their research, but their art collection has been open since February 2024 in their modern, more modern, more evil bourgeoisie, that’s all that has happened. The first, still until November laufende Ausstellung «Between us» is the abstract work of women who have been gewidmet for generations.

Modern Art of Frauen in einzigartigem Ambiente.

Modern Art of Frauen in einzigartigem Ambiente.


Casa Guillermo Tovar de Teresa – Private owners

Guillermo Tovar of Teresa war an eccentric historian, being with Mexican art from the colonial period and the 19. Jahrhundert beschäftigte. The beautiful renovated Villa from 1911 is the largest museum, in the art collection of the seine, Seine furniture, textile, porcelain and books to see are – and black almost as, who they were pre-funded, as Señor Tovar de Teresa 2013 died.

Wall paintings

While the Strassen of Roma Norte are bommel, macht Spass, and the Entfernungen stop in the crossing of Borders. There is no plan to stroll, but you can take a walk through the Wandmalereien, making murals, similar stories. In the Strassen, and it is likely that you will see the Calle Zacatecas, the woman who is working, which is in the Mexican culture, the history and the imagery, as an abstract image. Check out the best Strassen: Chiihuahua, Tabasco and Tonalá.