
Space in Europe: Letzte Vega-Rakete ins All startedet

Space in Europe: Letzte Vega-Rakete ins All startedet

Space travel in Europe
Letzte Vega-Rakete ins All startedet

The first Vega-Rakete flog 2012. Photo: CNES/ESA/ArianeGroup/Arianespace/dpa

The first Vega-Rakete-flog 2012. Photo

© CNES/ESA/ArianeGroup/Arianespace/dpa

If you want to bring a service, fly to one of the European Vega-Rakete ins All. If your problem occurs. Bald only becomes bald at the beginning of the day.

The European Vega rocket has flown into the Weltraum. You cook at night at the European Weltraumbahnhof in Kourou in French Guyana and bring the Satelliten Sentinel-2C of the European Landbeobachtungsprogramma Copernicus in All.

The Vega War in the air since 2012 and transport for all other satellites. Raketenbetreiber Arianespace started the Vega-Rakete-insgesamt 22 Mal. The European Raumfahrtbehörde Esa write of 20 heritage flights. Esa-Raumtransportdirector Toni Tolker-Nielsen said: “The start was a more appropriate departure from a later follow-up rocket.”

The Vega’s successor model, the Vega C, began all flights in November. The refueling can be more than 800 kilograms more than 800 kilograms more. Last transport, is cheaper and can bring loads on Umlaufbahnen in unterschiedlichen Höhen. After an error, the Rakete’s first commercial flight began in December or 2022.
