
Startup-Exit: Was machen Gründer, when a Käufer stopped?

Startup-Exit: Was machen Gründer, when a Käufer stopped?

Startup-Exit: Was machen Gründer, when a Käufer stopped?

The Exit Expert: Julian Riedlbauer weiß, who Startups react, when a Käufer quit.
Drake Star / Getty Images / Caspar Benson, bluestocking, Pavel Muravev, Collage: Gründerszene

Owned by Julian Riedlbauer nur Money for Computerspiele, since 1991 his own Unternehmen gründet – there is no single Schüler. Sieben Jahre später beschäftigt is 130 Mitarbeiter. If you import “Connect Service Riedlbauer”, Internet modems and sales are carried out by a German company, which are always online. In the 90’s it is a boom business. Kurz träumt Riedlbauer sogar vom sengang – gemeinsam with a large number of external components, that is the „Connect Service“. The deal is one of the most sought-after matters: Sein Käufer, while the last time and the board is a fact, abolishes the Sprung and the Börse nicht. If you think back, says Riedlbauer, it was “sold against cash.”

There are start-up exits and financing rounds

It must be cleared: after 25 years, the Düsseldorfer is a fragmented M&A expert. In the Blessing Karriere, over 80 transactions have been discussed. The larger quantity – appropriate for the Computerspiele-Leidenschaft des Schüler-Gründers – war der Verkauf von Innogames, the Machern von Forge of Empires: Eine Bewertung von rund 260 Millionen Euro erzielte das Unternehmen damals. Startups are becoming more and more popular in exits as in investments – trades the 50-million run of Neura Robotics. When Riedlbauer got the perfect time for the Startup Exit recognition, it was such that a buyer interest was acquired, who got the high prices and wanted the transactions to continue for a long time, with a reward.

Julian Riedlbauer will be speaking at an exclusive CFO dinner on September 12. Tickets are still available: book here and ask the experts your questions personally. In this article, the best results were achieved with Julian Riedlbauer, no matter what KPIs investors want – Riedlbauer gets to work at Investorenrunden.

Julian, do you want to sell my Startup?

Timing is separated. If you want to know whether a larger capital has a relevant, large and profitable company, you can no longer hang the market in a company that acquires a private equity investors, finds strategic buyers or bei a large company and the stock market. If you are busy for a long time and increase the quality of the technique, you can wait a long time for the solution.