
Gericht verurteilt Nikola-Gründer zu threistelliger Millionenstrafe – Nikola-Aktie now yet further affected | 11.09.24

Gericht verurteilt Nikola-Gründer zu threistelliger Millionenstrafe – Nikola-Aktie now yet further affected | 11.09.24

An American court has helped the truck repairer Nikola and the Gründer Trevor Milton to work with the tracking of damage claims. This separation would take place for Milton.

• Judicial separation against Trevor Milton
• Milton’s Einwände-abgelehnt

• Nikola-Aktie continues under Druck

The largest group of electric truck repairers Nikola was sentenced to a payment in three million heights – a former ex-group. Whoever received the message from the Reuters report, the US District Judge Diane Humetewa in Phoenix in Schiedsspruch found one of the best Schiedsgerichts of November 2023.

Milton debt Nikola dristelligen Millionenbetrag

The Schiedsgericht has an interpretation of a trennungsvereinbarung, which Milton at the Rücktritt as Nikola-Chef in September 2020 no longer sees, in the way he acts, before the Richterin. The goal of Milton is an exploration of a turnover of 121.25 Millionen Dollar, which Nikola in the fight against a legally valid government policy of the US-Börsenaufsichtsbehörde Securities and Exchange Commission must pay. Zeitgleich Milton has incurred the costs and the costs, which amount to 46.5 million dollars.

Milton held Strafe to his high

Milton hates the separation of the Schiedsgerichten as “überhöht” bezeichnet and swoons from an “unjustified” spoken, who has this ignorance, that is another fuhrungskräfte, director and Mitarbeiter des Elektro-Lastwagenbauers one of the eyes of the “relative debt” and the Ereignissen get hate. It is a company that appeals to the corporate and paper investment activities, both companies started working in October 2022, nachdem Milton after the state investment investors in the Nikola technology. Milton has had a different behavior, Nikola has received a pick-up from Grund in a new way, Batterien has been picked up, from the fact that he has been bought differently, and Fortschritte at the Entwicklung a “Nikola One” Sattelschleppers gemacht, of them is gewusst habe, dass er is geen function.

Nikola-Aktie did not end up on the Beine

After they have earned an amount of 168 Million Dollars in Aussicht, the Nikola-Aktie no longer comes out of the Kurstiefen-heraus. After the purchase of the shares of the old service on the NASDAQ there was 2.66 Percent on 5.13 Dollars. That sums up the desire of the Anteilseigner since the start of the year at more than 80 Percent. I have booked a small profit: the Nikola-Aktie gained a current 2.14 Percent on 5.24 US-Dollar.

If the cold weather lasts longer, the cold weather will not be milder. I have a quarterly reported Nikola with a negative EPS in high of 2.67 dollars. If you return your money to the Verlust, you trade in the Vergleich in the Vorjahresquartal, if nor -5.9 Dollar your Paper in the Büchern standard. An amount of $31,319 million is earned in the last century and analyst analysis.

It is a fact that the Geschäftslage for Nikola is very shy, nurch a Kapitalmaßnahme konnte de US-Unternehmen in July seinen Börsenverbleib sichern. The massive spread of money, with most parts of the industry in its camp, is a huge problem for Nikola. Here come the Konkurrenz in Lastwagensegment by Tesla and dessen Modell Tesla Semi.

Analysts are counting on Nikola – unlike an insolvent Tesla competitor Fisker – not to get the blame. With the TipRanks rating of four analysts of Nikola-Aktie, there is a Buy-Rating. With a duration of 11.33 percent, the pre-sale is still a warm-up spot of 121 percent.

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