
ABDA started new Campaign in Bahnhöfen

ABDA started new Campaign in Bahnhöfen

It depends on the Plakate in Bahnhöfen: Seit dem 1. September since the active motive of the ABDA Campaign is the planted Apothekenreform Bundesweit on a larger ICE-Bahnhöfen that is present in the latter days of Berlin, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Cologne and Leipzig . Das Ziel: Der Gesellschaft sollen die Leistungen und de Bedeutung der Apotheken verdeutlicht zijn.

The active motivation to collect large amounts of money – and to intervene, the operation of the pharmacies. With “5 Million Überstunden” the articles are distributed over the pharmacies for the Ausgleich der Arzneimittel-Lieferengpässe benötigen. The number “3 Million Answers” ​​is included in the patient contact act of the pharmacy. Also the poster “11 Million Individuals” and “46 Million Security Checks” are now in use.