
Herbert Reul zur “Mocro-Mafia”: “Such a great success”

Herbert Reul zur “Mocro-Mafia”: “Such a great success”

65 Polizisten perpetrated an opklärung more Anschläge in NRW, which became the Dutch “Mocro-mafia” victims. Minister of the Interior decided to dismiss the Begriff and tell about the brutality of the Taten.

65 Polizeibeamte occupied the time under the Führung des Polizeipräsidiums Cologne and the Aufarbeitung von Anschlägen der sogenannten “Mocro-mafia” in NRW. Who is Minister Herbert Reul in the Donnerstag in the Innenausschuss in Düsseldorf, can find 13 Personen in Haft, insgesamt 20 Living and Geschäftsräume wurden dutzende Mobiltelefone sichergestellt anyway more Waffen gefunden.

With the term “Mocro-Mafia” nothing can happen anymore. That is a “false” and was almost the Dutch as one of the German Ermittlerrn as “Quark” bezichnet. Glossary: ​​The term “Mocro-Mafia” suggests that now Moroccan hints give on Taten-stecken. It is possible that the Moroccans look after their own interests, but it is an “abuse of the Krimineller from the non-existent nations, who in the Netherlands lives and sleeps on a long time in their personal power”, says the Minister of the Interior.

It is an “old camel”, so Reul, that the drugstores also standtfinden in Germany. The new and the dangerous are probably the brutality, which is laid down in the attacks etwa with sprengsätzen and the Day. All according to the motto: “If we lose our coal here, then we are being particularly brutal here”, said Reul. Man is no longer with the trade one of the things he does, but he cannot get unused presents.

The Minister of the Interior has discovered that it is difficult to discuss the issue and celebrate the party that we will further expand. It is not that there is a bad drug dealer and a scandal, but a brutal rolled. “That is the new and a different quality, the seriousness is not so great”, says Reul and says that the “mocro-mafia” has received a “ganz schön abgebrühten Truppe”.

The goal is to reach the Minister of the Interior, while the Ermittler hangs up the cases, ermittelt and Leute festgesetzt has. The Ermittlungsgruppe was again, “because we are completely sure, that we are not here yet at the end”, said Reul. While the controllers in the camps organize the organized Kriminalität Ausdauer and Geduld.