
Always conscious: Wespenschwarm follows Mann unter Dusche – 160 Stiche

Always conscious: Wespenschwarm follows Mann unter Dusche – 160 Stiche

A swarm of wasps pursued the man. (Symbol image)
A swarm of wasps pursued the man. (Symbol image)

Frank Rumpenhorst/dpa/dpa-tmn

Andrew Powell was stung 160 Mal von Wasps. While the sting that was published was now discussed in the Spital.

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  • 160 Andrew Powell is a disgusting Brecon of Wasps who gets stabbed.
  • The Wasps follow the Mann sogar in the Dusche.
  • Powell loses with the conscious signal, muss schliesslich in Spital.

160 Andrew Powell is a loathsome Brecon of Wasps who is being stowed. The war for the attack is a mighty landwirt, the fresh nest of the west sprung up in a field.

In one of the many variations that yield the best results, Powell takes care of his house and such air in the twilight. If we become aggressive, we can no longer use a locker and continue to put our clothes. “Ich stolperte voor de huis hier en gaan in de douche, aber sie volg mijn spiegel en stachen mich in der Dusche during my later care”, Powell gegenüber of the BBC.

Powell lost due to the zahlreichen stab that the consciousness signal has. A friend brought his speed to Spital, where it was worked out with Adrenalin and Schmerzmitteln.

30 to 40 stitches can be secured well

The severity of the war was so great that Powell was transferred to the Prince Charles Hospital in Merthyr Tydfil. Due to the diminution of the position, a small stitch was made. To light up the Schmerzen is no more sleeping.

Natalie Bungay of the British Pest Control Association has noted that wasps go into a Pheromon absonder, that their artgenosses work with malicious action. When a sting is harmful, it can be between 30 and 40 stings.

Make sure you put an allergic reaction at a higher risk. Symptom of strong swelling, breathlessness and heartburn are sofortige medical help. For the relief of the swelling can be affected by stelle gekühlt and mit home remedies such as piglets were discussed. The warnings about the crates are caused by the infection risks.