
Ausbildung: DGB: Viele Azubis machen Überstunden

Ausbildung: DGB: Viele Azubis machen Überstunden

Look at the 1.2 million units that have a downright malfunction, a few times more than 20 hours a week. It is said that there is an Ausbildungsreport des German Industrial Associations (DGB). Befragt wurden more than 10,000 Auszubildende in de 25 häufigsten Ausbildungsberufen.

The report is followed by the most Azubis (fast 70 percent) with my education satisfied. The money is bigger than the professional groups. The transfer says that one of the previous years has begun, the own are still useful, the nieces with your education to tun haben.

More if you want to know more about Woche bij oude keuken

Gut ein Drittel der Azubis (34.5 Prozent) gab an, regularly longer zu work – deutlich more as in the Vorjahren, who is vom DGB heißt. Angehende Köchinnen und Köche leisten demnach mit durchschnittlich 6.1 Change pro Woche die meiste Mehrarbeit folgt von Hotel-Azubis (5.6 Stunden). Der Durchschnittswert for all Berufe liest bei 3.6 overtime for Woche. A few young people will shadow you, usually for more than 20 months for your work. Quickly, you will come back for additional support, neither a Vergütung nor a Freizeitausgleich. It is a clearer answer to the criticism of the DGB.

Deutsche Unterschiede bei der Vergütung

I have earned all the Lehrjahre with a personal income of 965 Euro per month, while the Ausbildungsjahr was 1,035 Euro. The following amounts are available: Angehende Bank-kufleute (1,243 Euro), Industriemechaniker (1,174 Euro) or Steuerfachangestellte (1,163 Euro) can be spent on the German additional funds as a Friseur-Azubis (830 Euro).

If the report has yielded a positive result, this is the end of the service provision in the report that had previously begun a first time. “That can be done when we are ready to implement a minimum education allowance in 2020”, he says in the message. If that is the case, then the problem with the education payments will be accompanied by the years that the insgesamt have become lighter. The minimum education allowance is such that a minimum wage for azubis and would take a very long time and the duchschnittliche Entwicklung aller education allowances-angegepastst is.

Azubi-zufriedenheit is not deprived

Whoever is happy with Azubis with his Ausbildung, hangs grimly from gewählten Beruf ab. 82 Prozent der angehenden Industriemechaniker gaben een, zufrieden oder sehr zufrieden damit zu sein, dahinter folgen Industrie- und Bankkaufleute (80 und 79) as well as Mechatroniker (78). At the end of the Skala are the best Fachlageristen (61), Hotelfachleute (60) and Zahnmedizinische Fachangestellte, von denen sich nur 59 Prozent zufrieden with ihrer Ausbildung zeigten.

Cooking and making coffee

Criticism of the DGB, it is more if you have the best price (15.3 percent), if you want to do one thing more, the night with the Ausbildung zu tun haben. It is a high stand. You can make a cup of coffee or tea in the company. 56 percent was rarely or seldom and only 29 percent nie mit solchen «ausbildungsfremden Tätigkeiten» betraut. If you see a part of the Ausbildung, this is from DGB. “Find out how it went and it is not possible to solve the problem by the great consequences of the young person.”

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