
Hotels start offensive for more Lehrlinge

Hotels start offensive for more Lehrlinge

Ausgezeichnete Lehrbetriebe im Tourismus ist a Qualitätsprogramm, von dem Lehrlinge and Unternehmen sollen profitable. Before you can follow the big picture, you can visit the Karl Reiter hotels in Bad Tatzmannsdorf, the Sonnentherme Lutzmannsburg, the St. Martins Therme und Lodge in Frauenkirchen and the Allegria-Resort in Stegersbach.

Cook's routine


The tourism policy is attractive for Lehrlinge

Contact the Jugendlichen

Follow the program of the quality agent – ​​it is a private institute – in the Burgenland Economic Chamber. The participating gastronomy companies are obliged, for the sake of example, to regularly attend schools and to give youthful anusprechen. If you contact your Lehrlingen, if this is one of the best in Lehrlingen in the professional school, the greater part of the year will be in the Fortbildungsseminarie. This seminar is financially financed.

Eine Woche in a partnership

In the kitchen of the Lehrlingsaustausches it is wonderful to know that a woman is working in a partner, where Marlies Rainer from the Qualitätsagentur is aware. It is the first time that the Lehrlinge is one of the best things, which has a swirling and heavy disturbance that causes the Blik op de Tellerrand.

“Ausgezeichnete Lehrbetriebe”

The different hotels can have an “extended duration”. In Styria, the quality of the quality program has begun before they started. Dort take a middle field 35 operating parts, which take 20 percent all learning.

Sabine Lehner in the “Burgenlandheute” Discussion

Lehner: Lehrlingszahlen entscheiden über Erfolg

If you are a messenger, who has taken a great initiative, says Sabine Lehner, who is a member of the Economic Chamber for Education and Learning, am Thursday evening in the “Burgenland Today” conversation. If a man is of course the Lehrlingszahlen messenger, but that means that he sees the Lehrbetriebe, while he has a larger Zulauf and more Lehrlinge come würden.

Work-life balance problem

Working in the kitchen and irregular working hours are often not very attractive. Young people in the alternative world are busy working for 15 and 20 years and the work-life-balance in this alternative group is a bigger theme, like Lehner zu. The game is Lehrlingsmangel, the wise man.

Lehre derzeit in der Regel Vollzeitmodell

One of the Arbeitszeit which is the Ausbildungszeit of schrauben and his zum Beispiel on 35 Stunden of the exploration is the most important factor, so Lehner. If you see a legality clause at a certain point, there is nothing wrong. Life is a snapshot of a full-time model with a number of future events, while a certain period of time is possible. If the problem occurs, it is so that an alternative alternative is available to you.

Friseurin with Kundin


Sonja Horvath took pictures of the time between Lehrlinge aus

Friseurin: 40 weeks of trouble

Der Lehrlingsmangel knows nothing about gastronomy and hotel industry, but about other industries. Die Friseurin Sonja Horvath in Oberwart bildet derzeit zwei Lehrlinge aus. Both look good in the Berufsschule, bedauerte Horvath. The Times, in the Friseur, have Lehrlinge hatten, seien vorbei.

If you have a problem, but if you answer the 40-day week, this is a problem. “I understand that one must make a change”, so Horvath. It is high in time, on a 35-hour week for learning to think about.