
Hotel Imperial Wien is one of the most important business Generaldirektor » news

Hotel Imperial Wien is one of the most important business Generaldirektor » news

Grown in Frankfurt am Main, Thomas van Opstal – after a hotel tour with the director of the Century Park Sheraton Manila – schon with his own hotel director. I was born in the 1980s to the hotel owner in the year 1980, before my talent for the fun-sterne-hotellerie in one of the beautiful houses of the world arose.

So war is among others Area Manager, Complex General Manager and General Manager in Asia, Australia, the East and Europe – from Brunei, Melbourne, Singapore and Karachi in Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Doha to Maskad, Riyadh and Budapest. This is one of the best city and conference hotels in the resorts of Marken of Marriott International. This is the Paragraph Freedom Square in Tiflis.

Zukunftsträchtiges Haus met Geschichte

Ursprünglich als Privatresidenz des Herzogs von Württemberg has started moving from the Palais to the Wiener Ringstraße for the Weltausstellung 1873 in the Hotel Imperial. Precious old, silent Möbel, Wände in Seide gehüllt and marble baths with either the Spirit of the 19. Jahrhunderts and machen das Haus with seinem palastartigen Flair of a soul of faith for weitreiste and weltgewandte guest, also his first address for state visitors and international stars.

The great advantage of Freude at Thomas van Opstal is that the elegant Ringstraßenhotel has a worldwide reputation: “As part of the Luxury Collection of the Marriott Group, the Hotel Imperial has a different position. The renovated house is gilded as a Wiener Institution and has created an unparalleled experience. Since my first stay at the Hotel Imperial in the year 2000, it counts as my favorite hotels”.

Ein Traum has ended in Erfüllung

As he with the Ernennung zum Generaldirektor dieses Hauses ein Traum in Erfüllung geleden, ergänzt of Opstal: “It is an Ehre, the team of the family, together with the history of the Hotel-Legende weiterzuschreiben and sie with their own lives. “Der gebürtige Deutsche ist heiratet and loves Musik, Reisen und Sport. When the Laufband is no longer training, it is at Urlaub am Strand.

With the Hotel Imperial Wien übernimmt Thomas van Opstal and with three main dining rooms “OPUS”, the unique “Imperial Bar”, in the musically unvergessliche Jazz and Klavierabende live experiences could be enjoyed, in any case with the large “Café Imperial Wien”, in this The exquisite Imperial Torte tableware is served by Sigmund Freud and Gustav Mahler, who wonderfully treated Stefan Zweig. (red)