
Twitter poetry, Apollo 13 and AI

Twitter poetry, Apollo 13 and AI

Betreibt Nachforschungen in the new Series “Der Geier”: Philipp Hochmair.
Betreibt Nachforschungen in the new Series “Der Geier”: Philipp Hochmair. © ORF/ZDF/Netwerkfilm/Graffilm/Chris Hofer

Book: Clemens Setz. Das All im eigenen Fell

The Grazer poet Clemens J. Setz was interested in some things in the mainstream. In the new book “Das All im eignen Fell” (Suhrkamp, ​​​​192 pages, 23.70 euros) it is clear that he is absolutely a fan of “Twitter poetry”: “The limit to 140 and then 280 signs brought some freedom to poetry. I brought a bag with me, for that one time I had made a trip: my revival.” If Elon Musk got the Messenger service, everything is different: “The sign limit was abolished. Man can now, if man will, like Romance published on X. It is a natural catastrophe. It is the case that as a man on all tennis places of the Erde the Netze-entfernen.” Also, a book would be an Abgesang, an Erinnerung an ein Genre, that is no more than that, so make sure that Setz, how zunehmend aus dem Netz-entfernt becomes – ways are race nor a inmal Spurensicherung concerned. Auf eine Auswahl eigener Twitter-Gedichte (Beispiel: „Manchmal has sich a Gedanke /wie so aeine Parkplatzschranke/ and so können Maus und Lurch/wieder unhindert durch“) follows in one and the same time a blessing of a single poetic Accounts, they are long with greater Begeisterung ge follows war. Koestlich.

Album: Sofi Tukker. Bread

With new energetic and for all danceable songs the American-American Dance-Pop-Duo Sofi Tukker and his bisherigen Erfolge will join. On the album „Bread“ Sophie Hawley-Weld and Tucker Halpern are played with House, Brazilian Funk, Drum and Bass, Bossa Nova and Pop with Portuguese poetry. „Bread“ is meant for „Be really energetic and dance“ (in German: Be really energetic and dance). The feeling of the music is combined with energetic and energetic music is reflected in quickly allen der zehn-numbers on the album wider. All for “Guardian Angel”, “Throw Some Ass” and “Spiral” will be an appealing and charged zum Danzen. Quickly a little in the contrast there is “Hey Homie”, with the Duo is a good page says.

Streaming: Apollo 13: Uberleben

Only a month after Neil Armstrong’s Earth landing in 1969, NASA was hit with its greatest criticism: Their space ship, with three astronaut crew steps on a half-way line to the moon, suffered a disastrous explosion.

You know the fictional film “Apollo 13” by Ron Howard with Tom Hanks from 1995. The new documentary film by British director Peter Middleton (“The Real Charlie Chaplin”), which has been used on Netflix, uses a combination of archive audio, film material and photography, mixed with separate interviews and more characters.

Film: Eternal You – Vom Ende der Endlichkeit

The discoveries in the knowledge of art have developed over the years into a fortschritte, which is natural and beflügeln the fantasy of man. Was everything technologically possible and could it perhaps be our own spirit, our gratitude in the only form of applications? In “Eternal You” Hans Block and Moritz Riesewieck are these and other questions, begleiten sie maar experts and scientists, who with the overcoming of death by technical means auseinanderzen. It is not that there is a problem in the Focus, but a miserable question about Moral and own Vernortung gestellt.

TV: The Geier

The new crime series “Der Geier” with Philipp Hochmair in the title-titled main roll starts on Saturday, September 7, at 8:15 PM on ORF 2 with the next “Die Tote mit dem valschen Leben”. When a seemingly happy wife and mother are found in a Bad Gastein hotel, all kinds of questions arise. A hint on the forearm of the Toten is given by the Salzburg Commissioner Franziska Conte to the musician and ex-politician Lukas Geier. This best assessment is possible, but secretly proposes Nachforschungen himself. If the sow’s keeper has given the woman a new identity card, her guilt can be a great guilt. His Tarnung education is openly …