
Not even a day yet: McDonald’s is a single branch

Not even a day yet: McDonald’s is a single branch

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In Linz, McDonald’s has a branch in the new “Human Comfort” design. Fast food fans enjoy comfort and efficiency.

Linz – A newcomer has emerged in Linz, which exists in the Vorfeld for a discussion sorted hat. McDonald’s on December 10, 2024 in Wiener Straße in Stadtteil Kleinmünchen a new branch office, which message set. No idea what happened: Fast-food fans have ended up at the new restaurant in the innovative “Human Comfort” design, but the great standard of Anrainern has become a construction project.

The McDonalds logo on a stand
First time in Linz: End of the years McDonald’s is another fast food branch with a completely new concept. © IMAGO / Marc Stinger

McDonald’s opens a new branch in Linz: Was spotted by the new “Human Comfort” design

In addition to Fast-Food-Liebhaber, it will go into leisure time, the first family in the East of the new “Human Comfort” concept presents itself – a completely different concept than the new CosMc’s. These design concepts are designed to keep warm, charge a charge and make a thoughtful movement of the mobile phone, a guest providing more private atmosphere and comfort. The Innenräume makes “modern, minimalist and functional”, explains a Pressesprecherin der Fast-Food-Kette auf Nachfrage von IPPEN.MEDIA. Auch die Geräuschkulisse soll thanks specially cushioned Sitzgelegenheiten angenehmer sein,.

The Opening is not possible without some control. The end of recent years is shaped by the broader state of construction. Anwohner Armin Kraml has initiated a petition, one of the branches on a grünfläche of foreclosure. Kraml befürchtetete, dass durch das Bauprojekt wertvolle Bäume en Straucher weichen müssten. Seine Initiative has taken an initiative on 752 people, the petition has not been published. The gesammelten unterschrifts would have the Linzer mayor Klaus Luger as a McDonald’s salvager, but the Bauvorhaben would have the umgesetzt.

A construction engineer with the McDonalds Construction Plan “Einreichplanung” of the Neubau projects.
Trotz Bürgerinitiative pro Naturschutz: At the end of 2023, the Construction of the McDonalds Branch will begin in Wiener Straße in Linz. © IMAGO / Harald Dostal

Human comfort: McDonald’s provides new fast-food experiences

“The restaurant is first and foremost in the design ‘Human Comfort’ concept, a concept, that is in Österreich bisher noch nicht gab”, explains McDonald’s speaker Jessica Schreckenfuchs-Vallant at IPPEN.MEDIA. Souls, a well-being will provide the guests with a sense of Geborgenheit – that is, if you are in your own Zuhause.

A new one from the new McDonalds-Konzepts
More privacy: the new “Human Comfort” design features minimalist and efficient designs. © McDonald’s

Neues Konzept: McDonalds will use Effizienz in its branches

Neben dem nieuwartigen Design spricht McDonald’s auch a Besserung der Abläufe im Restaurant. Thanks to optimized production processes and improved kitchen metrics – which now reach four times the production line’s consumption – production is sold and efficiency designs are improved.

Padded Möbel and Tische of the new McDonalds-Konzepts.
New concept: “Human Comfort” creates a living atmosphere with an improved Geräuschkulisse. © McDonald’s

Insgesamt 50 new couples were registered in Kleinmünchen, who were invited to visit the various restaurants in the area. Due to the Filiale with the new McDonalds products being produced, this is never the best. (ls)