
Hoteleinsturz von Kröv: Die Wunden heilen nur allesam

Hoteleinsturz von Kröv: Die Wunden heilen nur allesam

Four weeks after the hotel filling, the bed of the grown-ups, the end of their lives, where an Etage zusammenbrach. The Ermittlungen are no longer active.

In the Ortsmitte von Kröv schirmen Bauzäune with Sichtschutz die Einsturzstelle ab. From the Kröver Traditionshotel “Jungle Dick” it is no longer the case that the Keller could no longer survive. The Aufbau, in the Zimmer that were not there, has empowered Bagger in the vergangen Wochen dem Erdboden gleich.

It is such a credible hotel, in the people of the community of the traffic, a party of your life, is a tattoo. Painter, who and the Bauzäunen brought an unmistakable chance. Go to the Ermittler.

Kröver beschäftigt Unglück weiter

If the first beige order of the Gemeinde, Martin Rolf, has a Dorfrundgang power, he still sees him with his Einsturzstelle. The joy of two people living their lives is worth spending four weeks together. If you don’t see the first beige shade – especially in the Gemeinde beschäftige das Unglück noch de Menschen.

The First Beigeordnete der Gemeinde Kröv Martin Rolf

In the first beige order of the Gemeinde Kröv, Martin Rolf spürt, dass im gezen Ort de Menschen das Unglück noch beschäftigt.


The Kröver Bürger naturally wants to erase, where the Ganzer is passive.

Martin Rolf’s hat fell in the last week with his Mitbürgern spoken: “Egal bei welcher Veranstaltung, das Hotel ist immer wieder Mittelpunkt der Gespräche.” It became speculative. The Kröver citizen’s bed is a passive passion for a large part of the time, reports Rolf.

Evictions take a

If this is the case, the Staatsanwaltschaft in Trier will be reaffirmed. A Gutachter spends four weeks preparing the Ursache des Einsturzes.

Hotel view from Kröv

In this Trümmern, view the Gutachter to find the Ursache for the Einsturz zuen.


Martin Rolf has performed the work of the Gutachters and the Unglücksstelle beobachten. The Abriss company and the Engineer work with direct control. Concrete deck plates are cut extra small and removed with the crane, painting the first beige ordnete.

After a stay in a hotel in the Mosel-Ort you can continue your journey to the rest of the trip. Die Frau is one of the Trümmern-eingeklemmt.

Beim Hoteleinsturz in Kröv was more than 200 Einsatzkräfte vor Ort.

picture-alliance / Reporting service

Photo Alliance

“Then we looked up everything, because if the walls were tipped in the direction of the direction or fell together, while the reconstruction could be done, the whole was brought to the end.”

The device can no longer be serviced

If the Staatsanwaltschaft Trier starts work, it will not last longer. Der Sachverständige vor Ort nach full Schätzungen nor in Einsatz sein until the end of September.

“The final establishment of the Gutachtens is one of the complicated problems of the damage that can no longer last in the Anspruch Nehmen”, says the leading Oberstaatsanwalt Peter Fritzen with.

In Kröv heilen die Wunden nur langesam

After booking Martin Rolf, it has been a long time since the journey to the tradition hotel “Jungle Dick” was completed. Those Wunden heilten nur langam, says Rolf. “Spätestens wenn wir Karneval feiern, das noch mal hochkommen. We sing then zum Abschluss der Kappensitzung traditionalell das Lied ‘Mei goldich Kröv’ and will appear in the zweiten Strophe das Hotel “Jungle Dick”.”

If it comes loose in the fall, it will take longer and longer.

It was an emotional moment. “I think it’s imagining that the part of the seat is being lifted. It will be a big autumn release. It will still be there,” Martin Rolf warns.