
Goodbye York: Legendärer Kasseler Club schließt

Goodbye York: Legendärer Kasseler Club schließt

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Goodbye York: Legendärer Kasseler Club schließt
In the war in York quickly underground Laune: Sogar at a workshop of the Kasseler Sparkasse with DJ Membrain (am Plattenteller). Karl Börries (left) led the Club with Georg Brechtken since 1999. © Bernd Schoelzchen

I am Kasseler Club York for generations. Now the power of the Laden and the Rathauskreuzung after 41 years zu. Viele since wehmütig and complain about the Club-Sterben in der Stadt.

Kassel – Not for Jens Jonsson is this week a Stück seiner Jugend gestorben. If the Kasseler Club York am Mittwoch has been sold on Facebook, it is as safe as possible, write the Metzgermeister: “After 25 years, my youth disco – an Ort, and I dared to experience such an unforgettable moment.” Jonsson was not one of the few, but one of the richest people.

It is not that the goal has been achieved, now that the Zeitpunkt war has ended. If the war lasts longer, then York (from New York) and the lameness of the Council will not last longer. The Immobiliengesellschaft CoCo Real from Sonthofen will continue to use the area in the adjacent Hotel Hessenland. The roast, in the case that York is known, will go from or to other abbeys. The contract of the Club is still until summer 2025.

During the summer break, “a number of relevant and important investments in air and technology technology became known,” in relation to Karl Börries and Georg Brechtken. These investments started before the verbal results of the Bauhaus study. Somit müssen wir leader Abschied nehmen,” she writes in the social media. If they both die, York will die 25 years and will now go to the Club 22 in the Friedrich-Ebert-Straße-concentraeren, no more.

The end of a year had begun in 1983. The war of Dam in the Popper and the York war in Zuhause. The war years of the Zielgruppe were most of the 18th years. There fell Kasselers and Jugendliche from the war of York of the first Club. It is recommended for life.

One of the first wars Karl Fernau (1930-2022), when Charly nannten and more than 40 Fashion and Bastelgeschäften had a name. Also Georges Koch (Foster’s Garden in Bettenhausen) and Bernd Wagner (Café Kaba) created New York.

1994 the Brüder Frank and Bernd Kuchinke den Laden in New York Factory um – in Anlehnung and the Factory in der Kulturfabrik Salzmann in Bettenhausen. Donnerstags are jazz and music for all techno and house. Bernd Kuchinke died 2023, now 66 years old.

Secret concert: 2006 with Eva Briegel with the band Juli im York auf.
Secret concert: 2006 with Eva Briegel with the band Juli im York auf. © Fischer, Andreas

1999 übernahmen Börries and Brechtken den Club. At the best of times you can’t go further than the region. Selbst Bundesliga-Fußballer from Borussia Dortmund plays here in Abenden.

Victor Deutsch, the leader of the city of Kassel, war 16, was the first time that the New York damage was caused. He says: “I am convinced that the Zeiten in Club York feiern konnte, if the wild parties, the people out of the closet and the handy cameras had not yet been financed.”

It’s about young people coming out of the closet. Schon seit Long is also in Kassel a club death to be observed. Zuletzt powers and the Unten, the Music Theater and the Franz Ulrich to. Börries voted himself this trend. Before a Monaton would say that in principle he has a Umzug in question come. Man stops in August, but in an industrial area there is nothing left, and in the city “it was not so that York was ever benehmigt”. Also therefore ist Schluss.

If you know that the area is better, it is unclear. The Immobiliengesellschaft CoCo Real will expand Hotel Hessenland with the Kasseler Unternehmer Udo Wendland and the chefs of the architectural firm Sprengwerk from 45 on a plot of 160 Zimmer. The Kultbar Perle im nebenan ligende Hugenottenhaus must weigh the Planungen bereits in Frühjahr schließen, was zu Protest führte. Mittlerweile nutzt de Moving School das Hugenottenhaus für Kunstprojekte.

Laut Architekt Matthias Tunnemann from Sprengwerk released the design plan. And the following years can become loose. If you live with your treasures, that is the start and long term care. This also applies to Miroslav Nikolic from Restaurant Eckstein in York, about whom he says: “When it is over, it is not possible. I am Moment everything works great.”

It is a fact that the Club-Szene in Kassel is better. Before the end of the year Börries in HNA interview: “My world is always a club. And in my Welt it becomes a Club thing. Die Menschen brauchen das.” (Matthias Lohr)

What memories are you having in York? Write Sie uns an [email protected]