
AI Media and ITV offer rail-breaking partnerships for revolutionary services and subtitling services | 11.09.24

LONDON, Sept. 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — AI-Media, the prosperous provider of AI-powered subtitling and transmission services, is a couple that a new partnership with ITV is, the large commercial companies from Great Britain, that can develop. These applications mark a part of the writing after the use of the AI ​​subtitling technology for the translation of the accessibility and the operational efficiency in the whole of a large ITV transmission network.

David Padmore, Director of Barrier-Freedom at ITV, concrete, who is which partner, is one of ITV’s commitments to the new new technology. “If ITV is aware of such innovative solutions, a service that is translated and the most likely cheating experience is missing. The collaboration with AI Media is an undeniable, modern knowledge of the business, an unreliable source of information in the subtitle to optimisation and egalichzeitig the high standards in Bezug auf Genauigkeit and Zuverlässigkeit einzuten.”

As a partner of the partner, the automatic live titling of LEXI from AI Media is automatically enabled, which does not work in the best infrastructure of ITV. The combination of AI Media and ITV with a technology architecture, which on the complex demands of the senders, makes 18 regional newsroom variants possible. The useless SDI Encoder Pro Cards from AI Media, a LEXI subtitle as in the best best-suited ITV architecture, contains VANC data that is lovely, and turns to the ITV expert team for the deployment of the service. The product Alta from AI Media is used for ITVX and other IP video workflows.

The subtitling of the regional navigation of ITV is traditionally in a manual manual with erheblichem personal data. It is a fact that the automation by AI-Medias LEXI has brought about dramatic changes in the personal sphere, which can save efficiency and costs. The automation of the Arbeitsabläufe is light on ITV, more subtitles and thus the Zugänglichkeit for your Zuschauer zu verbessern. Because there are many problems, the higher levels and the lower delay of the LEXI systems are the overall quality of the services.

The implementation of the automated Arbeitsabläufe of AI-Media-War is uncomplicated and does not support Playout-Solutions of ITV. This flexibility in the Ausspielung-War is a problem-free and extremely light reibungslose installation of a new system.

The ITV subtitling team will play a separate role in the development of large theme models, a high-level and relevant role in the subtitling of the gewährleisten. The automatic installation of the Arbeitsabläufe ermöglicht and ITV, more regional news headlines anzubieten, was finally a wider audience coming.

“ITV chose AI-Media, we have developed a robust infrastructure and LEXI in complex transmission installations. Our support in describing subtitles in strict market regulations and our control over the regulations at Ofcom, ACMA and FCC were important factors for their decision,” said John Peck, VP International Sales at AI-Media. “This partnership is no longer part of the ITV Effizienz, but is best in its position as a forward-thinking innovator in the European Community of Broadcasting.”

The collaboration with ITV with AI Media ensures the involvement of senders, expanding the technology and playing a role in Saxony’s accessibility and innovation.

For more information about ITV:

For more information about AI-Media:

Watch a meeting or demo with the AI ​​Media Team at the IBC: IBC Show 2024 (

About AI-Media

AI-Media developed an innovative technology in Australia in 2003, which has evolved into AI publishing and special subtitling workflows.?

As a global market player, AI Media places high AI-driven expenditure on subtitling and displaying live feeds and advanced content for a wide range of customers and markets around the world.??

In February 2024, the AI ​​Media first reports appeared, which took over the AI ​​subtitling products of LEXI, which probably covered Arbeitsabläufen.???

With a number of industry associations and improved AI technology for the business operations, optimize and facilitate the processes, AI media that support radio stations, external systems and registers, which are still in service stop securely.??

AI-Media (ASX: AIM) was released on September 15, 2020 in Handel an der ASX.????

About ITV

ITV is the largest commercial TV broadcaster and streamer in the UK. ITV’s Access Services team has provided internal and external subtitling and audio description for all ITV live and audio programmes.

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