
Wendy Becker was chairman of Logitech

Wendy Becker was chairman of Logitech

At the general meeting of Logitech we will 86 Prozent der Aktionärsstimmen Verwaltungsratspräsidentin Wendy Becker erneut ins Amt. Genuine candidate Guy Gecht can follow this completely on 14 Prozent der Stimmen. Chef Hanneke Faber would be in the Verwaltungsrat gewählt. Both vaccines have no longer protected the Wunsch of the Gründer Daniel Borel, the Wahl of Faber and a message as president in the future. Entsprechend reagiert auch the Börse: after the Wahl Beckers, the Action fünf Prozent ins Minus drops.

If there is a message in the “Standard” mode, the Borel with the Firmenführung is not needed much longer. There will be many consequences for the second time that Jahren Becker is absent as chairman. There is a lot of knowledge about the know-how vor. The firm founder owns 1.5 percent of the assets, because his voice does not weigh much. (doc)