
Radfahrer can respond in Wohnort: ADFC started Fahrrad-Klima-Test

Radfahrer can respond in Wohnort: ADFC started Fahrrad-Klima-Test

  1. Fuldaer magazine
  2. Fulda
Radfahrer can respond in Wohnort: ADFC started Fahrrad-Klima-Test
I am a Fahrrad-Klima-Test of the ADFC who performs the maintenance checks, while the Wohnort is for Fahrradfahrende. © Lina Hillenbrand

With the Fahrrad-Klima-Test the ADFC can perform the entire Stimmung of Radfahrenden experiences. In the zehnminütigen Test you can see the results on November 30th. November vorgefertigte fragments of beans – and constructive criticism of the best results.

Fulda – „Is it possible to cycle in the city of Spain or is it stress? Der im zweijährigen Turnus durchgeführte Test findet bereits zum eleventen Mal statt.

The ADFC bittet Menschen, zihn minutes Zeit für die Answertung des Frageboogs zu nehmen. The worldwide transfer starts on September 1 and ends on November 30.

Radfahrer bewerten ihren Wohnort: ADFC started Fahrrad-Klima-Test

„Um een ​​Vergleich zu de Vorjahren zöhen zönnen, since ever dieselben 27 Fragen enthalten. “You are in the Schulnotensystem bewertet”, explains Wolf Ulrich Schlösser, Principal Broadcaster of the ADFC Fulda. “We would like to find out from another perspective who will be able to achieve their goals and who will be responsible for their society,” says the ADFC Chef.

It is nice to know that the fragmentation of the fragmentation is a fact. In these years this will be there, who the handling of the Verkehrsteilnehmer untereinander wahrgenommen is.

There is an image that presents itself, or it is a question of a category. Frankfurt should also not compare with Motten.

This is the end of the tests that are possible, in a Freitext cabinet constructive criticism on this topic. Politics can abolish this – under the protection of data protection.

The test results will be cleared in 2025. “There is an image that exists, it is the place where the einwohnerzahl category is located. Frankfurt would also not be confused with Motten,” erläutert Schlösser.

If you are on the beach, it is only a matter of 50 minutes during which proper operation is possible. I show Fahrrad-Klima-Test de Künzell and Fulda diese Schwelle. Both schnitten vergleichsweise schlecht ab. Fulda bekam die Gesamtnote 4.19 (250 Teilnehmende). Künzell wurde mit 4.38 benotet (123 Teilnehmende).

Zum Vergleich: Baunatal erzielte 2.47 the best note (132 parts). More information about the topic and the Fahrrad-Klima-Test can be found online at