
Trotz Schuldenbremse: Palmer fordert Sondervermögen für Wohnungsbau

Trotz Schuldenbremse: Palmer fordert Sondervermögen für Wohnungsbau

With 100 billion euros the Federal Government is smothering the Federal Army. It was therefore noticeable that housing construction was part of the Tübingen Oberbürgermeister.

Baden-Württemberg: Eberhard Wein (kew)

Deutschland is no longer a representative of the Bundeswehr, but one of the residents of the housing industry. Was the Tübinger Oberbürgermeister Boris Palmer in April in the ZDF broadcast “Markus Lanz” as a form, but it is also a new way of thinking. Darin skizziers from the ex-Grune sister with the chef of the chef of the Mieterbundes, Marc Roth, who has won a 100-Billion-Euro program. The Orientation am Sondertopf for the Bundeswehr is no longer willing. It is a fact that the Schieflage on the Living Market on the Seiner Sicht für Deutschland is “nicht weniger gefährlich as der Angriff auf die Ukraine”. Zum others entsprächen 100 Milliarden – so great that the Sondervermögen for the Bundeswehr – they gegenwärtigen Bedarf on the federal German housing market.

Kapitaldecke der Wohnbauunternehmen is sinking

“We will create a million new social residences,” says Palmer Unserer Zeitung. There are estimated construction costs of 400,000 euros for living expenses and a billion euros for their own capital. Üblicherweise müssen Wohnungsbauunternehmen 25 Prozent der Bausumme aus eigenen Mitteln bestreiten, um die restlichen 75 Prozent auf dem Kapitalmarkt zu können.

It may be that there is commuting that the own capital coverage on the roads of high construction costs has been severely shrunk. At the Tübinger Gesellschaft voor Wohnungs- und Gewerbebau (GWG) the equity fell clearly below 30 percent, but the Capital for new projects became grimmer.

Enjoy a home for 15 years

Whoever is the largest part of the housing construction is investing the miet increases, which Germany has had more than 1 percent since 2020, says Roth. Many cities in the Southwest were already overtaken by Germany. So the cut-through rate in Tübingen rose by 24 percent. The duration of the square meter price in the Unistadt is only 14.60 euros. Normal income that the American or American bus company earns is no longer leisten, as Palmer. If you keep an eye on social housing, it becomes rarer. “Our GWG has 1,500 families on the housing list, but only 100 apartments were free per year,” said Palmer. Statistically, research should also be done for 15 years, and it will be so.

The argument is that there is a problem with the program of the debt position of the Bundes under the debt burden, now further increased, established for Palmer nicht. The program of the 100-billion program for the Bundeswehr became the money and no word, the flight into the apartments and the bleibe damit as value erhalten. “That creates a real special asset”, when also at the housing construction companies. The phrases can be written from the best results. A separate Role Weisen Palmer and Roth the municipal housing construction companies to. Because the know-how and the market knowledge no longer existed, it was never possible that Roth was helped. The Federal Ministry of Construction is only responsible for the control of the work. Roth and Palmer gluben, a little effort was made to end the 20 projects. Auch Genossenschaften könnten am Sondervermögen were involved. “Bei Großkonzernen wie Vonovia kann ich ich mir das alleendings nicht nogellen,” says Palmer. If the money from American assets all flows into the West of Germany, while in the East it is a completely isolated Boomstädte in Dresden or Leipzig, würden partisans, Palmer stops for unproblematic. “We will continue to enjoy a special Eastern development”, but we will continue to enjoy this in the West.

And had the Bauministerin disappeared?

The Federal Minister of Construction Klara Geywitz (SPD) has no further comment on the Land Sending Palmer. Bisher lie the Think-paper of the Ministry of Construction nor has said a word. If you are sure that you have 390,000 dwellings in Construction. For the necessary turnaround in social housing, the Federation has set the record of 18 billion euros for the purpose of construction since five years. The countries also stock their middle. Fundamentally, you want to start in the research objects and have done a study in the Auftrag study. If you have a very bad negotiation, which generates such a subject support, and also the Auszahlung of housing money, another increase of my beige will be slow.

Living places for fun for millions of people

Residential house
In Germany the company consists of 750 communal and public housing companies. You can have 2.5 Millionen Wohnungen rund en geben damit fünf Millionen Menschen ein Dach über dem Kopf.

Social housing
Beim Sozialwohnungsbau is a joint venture that is active. If you collect for a year, you are aware of the Neubau von Sozialmietwohnungen in Anspruch taken. In 42 cases of the fall there is a solution for the trade in the building ministry.