
Rolls-Royce Action Lighter: Rolls-Royce intensifies Triebwerkskontstromen – Joint work with EU Management and Airlines | 06.09.24

Rolls-Royce Action Lighter: Rolls-Royce intensifies Triebwerkskontstromen – Joint work with EU Management and Airlines | 06.09.24

Rolls-Royce has called upon the European Agency for Aerospace Safety (EASA) and carried out a malicious inspection of the repair work on the Airbus A350-1000.

The British Flugzeugtriebwerkshersteller is active in the Freitag, it is a fact that the Airline-Kunden-Organisation has carried out the inspection of high-strength dust locks and its Trent XWB-97-Triebwerken during the execution.

“These inspections can be carried out during the execution of the work and were based on the life and history of the triebwerk priority,” Rolls-Royce said.

The EASA declaration, the internal inspection of the next three days started 30 days ago and the world 86 aircraft of the types A350-1000 in a series.

“In order to ensure that our work is carried out and our care is taken into account, we can ensure that our inspection program is completed”, so Rolls-Royce.

Rolls-Royce went to work negotiating a triebwerkbrand and a plane from Cathay Pacific, which was founded on September 1, but no more. The plane was safely landed.

Dieser Vorfall hatte die in Hong Kong ansässige Fluggesellschaft dazu anlasst, ihre Flotte zu inspizieren, wbei bei 15 A350 festgestellt wurde, that the Treibstoffleitungen of the Triebwerke were also müssen. Singapore Airlines and Japan Airlines conducted their own inspections, but no problems were reported.

The Rolls-Royce sale is currently trading in London at 1.63 Prozent tiefer at 4.70 GBP.


LONDON (Dow Jones)