
Dortmund: Wirt gibt Kneipe nach 47 Jahren auf – “Geht nicht mehr”

Dortmund: Wirt gibt Kneipe nach 47 Jahren auf – “Geht nicht mehr”

Eigentlich thought that Michael Smajlovic, who was bald in the 50-year-old best man at the Kneipe in Dortmund, could have done better. However, there is no other Wahl, as the kneipe früher as inherently planted zu schließen.

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For 47 years Smajlovic has been behind the Tresen and in the kitchen of his Kneipe “Martener Hof” in Dortmund. The property is that the kneip will last a few more years, but if you have another healthy lifestyle in your life, you can set the bets.

Dortmund: Wirt hat gesundheitliche Probleme

In “Ruhr Nachrichten” the mid-77th-year-old explains: “I am sick. The doctors have given me my little brain.” Working in a hospital office must be a lot of fun and it has never been so long in Krücken-angewiesen. It is said: “I have a very big body sickness, it is not like that anymore.” Things are still not going so well during the last day of the Kneipe in Dortmund.

Am Freitag (September 27) at the “Martener Hof” in Dortmund shows ‘Mer seine Türen für eine Abschlussfeier öffnen’. Michael Smajlovic will not be “a small Feier, then it is Schluss with pleasure.”

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Whoever is in Zukunft with his greater choice is not Smajlovic bisher nicht. Given the “Ruhr Nachrichten” message from the 77-year-old Wirt in Dortmund: “So long with my fear.” Because of the Schließung muss is ich ebenfalls a new living such, jedoch hofft of Senior, that’s where I continue to live in the Martener Hof, it’s nice to have a good time a Hotel ist.

Martener Hofkracht schon long nicht more genug Umsatz

That Kneipe from Dortmund won’t be more closed than anyone else for a long time. Smajlovic erklärt: “Es kommen nur noch die alten Säcke”, wewewes die Öffnungszeiten bereits grim eingeschränkt hat. The Martener Hof has now no Mittwoch and Freitag seine Türen geöffnet.

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Der Wirt aus Dortmund was able to stop the problems for so long due to the Unterstützung seiner Rente. Zwar blieb der Gewinn aus, aber für Smajlovic war seine Kneipe seine große Leidenschaft. This is one of the many ways it can be done, it is one of the highlights of the world of charity, a new way of organizing.