
Who did it become? Forscher entwickeln Test, der Alter vorhersagt

Who did it become? Forscher entwickeln Test, der Alter vorhersagt

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Who did it become? Forscher entwickeln Test, der Alter vorhersagt
A long and healthy lifestyle – it is a question of people. If you take a test, it can last a long time. © Ravlo/IMAGO

A new test calculates the biological Alter Mittels Proteinen. Risks can be taken to increase the creditworthiness and the star risk forecasts.

The history of the year that a person has changed can also change chronologically. Jedoch, so that Max Planck Institute for Alterna Biologygives this Alter little Aufschluss over the actual health condition of the body. The biological sogenannte can deviate from the active functioning of the body. Scientists from the Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston (USA) have now used a test in his study, of the biological alternative bestimmen kann. If this test is performed, if you want you can buy, other people will be bought.

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Gesundes Altern: Altersuhr könnte chronoologisches Alter prognostizieren

The Forscher has developed a system, the continuous amount of money and risks that are recognized by proteins can be recognized. If you use a test, the biological variant during the analysis of proteins in human Blutplasma misses. Darüber has performed a light test on a risk prognosis for altered clinical pictures in diabetes, Krebs, neurodegenerative diseases such as Heart, Kidney, Liver and Lung diseases. If the problem occurs, the mortality can be exceeded, when the viability of those affected becomes an unacceptable problem.

For your research among the scientists of the Gesundheitsdaten von etwa 45,000 Persons. The components of the research can examine the data of the British Biobank in Great Britain with their analysis, which are mainly used by the long-term studies by credits. From this data the researcher can identify 204 proteins ​​that are relevant for your system for the protection of biological alterations. These proteins are setz in the cooking and cooking function of the study.

Test the diagnosis of the diagnosis

With that test, the scientists can charge the costs, while other people are bought. There is no new system in the “protected hour” installed. The proteins are formed by the formation of the proteins and also by the protein in a human Zelle. The test with those alternatives is no longer a complicated and complicated situation, a general issue that you could reach. In the event that you can make the alternative diagnosis, the diagnosis is made.

This treatment contains all the information about your physical health and should not be used for self-diagnosis, self-treatment or self-medication. There are no consequences for seeking medical advice. Individual excerpts from the Krankheitsbildern could no longer be performed due to unreasonable editing.