
ZDF Power Instant Series for Mental Health –

ZDF Power Instant Series for Mental Health –

The actress Zoe Magdalena plays in the Instant Fiction Drama «75F» and is now the Hauptrolle, under the direction of the main author of the Drehbücher.

Derzeit in Cologne for the ZDF media library a new instant fiction dramedy, which in these next themes is an über mental sensation with leanness, depression, anxiety disorders and borderline analysis. I am Mittelpunkt von “75 degrees” It is the unweighty 17-year-old Ronnie who dies in a clinic for psychosomatic disorders. Played by Zoe Magdalena, Ronnie von Anfang made it clear, that is not possible here. Not here, so we go away from zuhause, with those psychoses and that seltsamen Therapeuten-Aunt (Minna Wündrich).

Ronnie Braucht and Will Keine Help. If you then find other patients and patients of a family of underdogs, it is so that the therapy is a problem and that the stick in your own life goes to camp. In other roles, among others, Alessandro Schuster, Amadin Piatello, Daria Vivien Wolf and Saron Degineh can be seen. Zudem has Twenty4Tim and Felix Lobrecht Cameo-Auftritte.

Main narrator in Zoe Magdalena played in the Mental-Health-Series not now the Hauptrolle, as main author went together with Jasmina Wesolowski and Momo Sinner the Drehbucher at. Director is Eline Gehring. «75F» is a production of Network Movie, as a production of Bettina Wente. The editorial staff of ZDF has helped Elke Müller and Michelle Rohmann and Theresa Schreiber with the coordination for the ZDF media library.