
Slow Food Earth Market in Lutzmannsburg

Slow Food Earth Market in Lutzmannsburg

On Saturday, September 14, you will find the Slow Food Earth Market in Lutzmannsburg in Pfarrstadel in Lutzmannsburg from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

LUTZMANNSBURG. Appropriately for the year, everything about the motto WILD ASH and the market pollution and the market pollution are one of the most common, herb-rich marketplaces, with zahlreichen regional and seasonal Köstlichkeitenwhich were started before Ort von de Produzentinnen and Produzenten.

Specialties from Wild and Co.

There may be problems and there may be problems regional food productsfrom Bio-Obst, Gebäck, Ziegenkäsespezialitäten and Fleisch and Wurst-Waren, give a diesem special Markttag with rezafte Specialties from Wild, Strauß and Mangalitza-Schwein. Neben feinsten Bio-Ölen und -Saaten, frischem Bio-Gemüse und -Kräutern der Saison, anyway Saucen, Likören und Honig, are een nicht fehlen.

Markt der Erde – Slow Food Earth Market in Lutzmannsburg | Photo: Slowfood Burgenland

Regional Art and hot Küche

ART KERAMIK-Art by Sandra BUCZOLICH – Sober Keramik (Kaisersdorf)
HAND HOLZ-Deko- und Gebrauchsgegenstände von Sepp NUSSHALL (Lackenbach)
WORK Kräuter-Kissen, -Tees and more from the SCHWESTER-HERZEN (Deutschkreutz)
MAKRAMEE hand-knotted bags, straps and other items by Linda MOORS
MARKET KÜCHE: Game ragout with crockery and from 11 a.m. Pannonian Gemüsepfanne with Ofenkartoffel and Knoblauch dip. As a snack, you can also enjoy Zwetschkenknödel with Butterbrösel.

Der Markt finds ganzjährig immer am 2. Samstag im Monat, beim Pfarrstadel in 7361 Lutzmannsburg, Hofstatt 1, statt.


  • 14. SEPTEMBER-WILD(es) ESSEN nor from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm!
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  • 9. NOVEMBER GOOSE otherwise
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