
BZ Duisburg totally local – Sports in and around Duisburg and more

BZ Duisburg totally local – Sports in and around Duisburg and more

Duisburg, September 6, 2024 – Jens is Kicker and Trainer with Leib and Seele. There weiß, wie man Fußballwissen vermittelt, Spieler- und

– motivated and strong team spirit. There is a wonderful family behind it – but Jens’ team is not yet complete.
BZ Duisburg totally local – Sports in and around Duisburg and more
There is an urgent need Stammzellespender or a Stammzellespenderbecause Jens has Blutkrebs.

In the Duisburger Fußball community, Papa’s dream is not possible. Wer Jens’ Names are not white, know the greater Wahrscheinlichkeit vom Sehen, denn auf Fußballplätzen hat der 47-Jährige mehr as die Hälfte seines Lebens verbracht. Seine Vereine since the DJK Vierlinden, wed there zum Ende signaler active Zeit Jugendmannschaften begleitet hat, also the Sportfreunde Hamborn 07, wed Trainer of Teams in the last Bereich war. Jens stubbornly solled into the air during the summer of the U12 of Rot Weiß Oberhausen.

Actually, when eight weeks ago the diagnosis Blutkrebs was made. Schnell was clear, that Jens a Stammzell transplant is useful, another story about the costs.

Grosse Registrierungsaktion am Sonntag
We are 17 and 55 years older and can be more Sunday, on 08.09.2024 from 12 noon at Fußballplatz des DJK Vierlinden, Emanuelstr. 9, 47178 Duisburg as Stammzellspender or Stammzellspenderin you register welding or über
a registration set for an order. Bisher has his schon 222 Menschen auf diesem Wege über die Seite von Jens ein Registrierungsset bestelt – es sollen noch meer zijn!

Please bring your smartphone to register. Before you can find a person who has a QR code, there is a hint of his or her data in a digital DKMS form and you can use it in the second step by sliding the cheekbones cut-off strip.

If you can no longer register alternative or common costs, it may happen that you spend money on the registration costs that are paid with the labor costs. If you spend money, you can use the DKMS for the new expenses or your expenses cost in the amount of 50 euros.

DKMS Spendenkonto IBAN: DE50700400608987000740

Verwendungszweck: WXH011, Jens