
Urgent Pilz-Rückruf: Bei Verzehr drohen Vergiftungserscheinungen

Urgent Pilz-Rückruf: Bei Verzehr drohen Vergiftungserscheinungen

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Gesundheitsgefahr durch getrocknete Pilze: An active Rückruf warning for high Rückständen from Pflanzen- und Schädlingsbekämpfungsmitteln.

Munich – Pilzprodukte is a product of the production of products. First of all, a Pilz backlash was solved on the basis of Botulinum toxin. If you are trading with a small amount of money, the toxic toxin outbreak is caused by unintentional e-purchased Pilz products. Another Pilz product was returned due to possible Nesselsucht. Now Pilz is in focus on a backlash. These cases are about a large Ackerlinge, who has a healthy lifestyle at Verzehr, who life published.

Rückruf von Pilzen: Getrocknetes Product may contain toxins

The 100 gram packaging from Firma AsRopa Food GmbH is affected. The packaging fell on 05.09.2026 in the Mindesthalt barkeitsdatum and on Item number 71231. The repairer in an official Mitteilung cannot be assumed that the “high Rückstände aus Pflanzen- und Schädlingsbekämpfungsmittel” were festooned.

Zurückgerufene gets rocknete Ackerlinge.
Zurückgerufene gets rocknete Ackerlinge. © AsRopa Food GmbH

Insgesamt since four Bundesländer of the Rückruf affected:

  • Berlin
  • Hamburg
  • Hesse
  • Saxony

Auf dem Aushang steht: “It is a matter of product zurück. The Verkaufspreis was made with Ihnen. Fell Thanks. “Eine Rückerstattung is one of the savings certificates at the jewelry handler.

Pflanzenschutzmittel in gerockneten Pilzen – Normalerweise unfährlich

In agriculture, plant and pesticides were generally used. It is not that there is a small setback in the body, or a pill that you cannot find. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) and other institutions lay down a separate ban on consumer safety, where concentrations are a substance in food for consumers. High demands have been made on the fact that nothing has been written. There are a number of problems that most people will copy.

The gifts of pesticides used in the Hamburg Verbraucherzentrale are the best references, the inner health of a person or with a Mahlzeit treatment can be a good public health risk. And sweating over the sogenannten ADI-Wert; the boring tag is displayed with a known Risiko.

Überschreitung der Pestizid-Höchstwerte: These Risks Besthen for Consumers

Generating sales of a product, the high quality of the product, has never been so long ago – it depends on your favorite pesticides. Who reported, acute and chronic upper illnesses can be observed. I can best bring autumn into contact with the pestilences, Krebs, Fruitbarkeits and Erbgutschäden. The Verbraucherzentrale Hamburg has said the following: “A substance is in mind, the nerves of the hormone system and the fortpflanzungsfähigkeit to infuse.”

It would be a good idea to remove the Hühnchen-Produkt from pesticides. If you are having problems, you can use pest control. (jh)