
Ines Lutz konnte Rolle nicht more delayen: Deshalb ist „Bergdoktor“-Anne ausgestiegen

Ines Lutz konnte Rolle nicht more delayen: Deshalb ist „Bergdoktor“-Anne ausgestiegen

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Ines Lutz plays in ‘Der Bergdoktor’ the Role of Anne. Ben End der 15. Staffel comes from the faith in the ZDF format that is out. This can be on the Detwicklung in the series characters located.

Ellmau – Während die 16. Staffel von “Der Bergdoktor” has finally begun, there were fans nor immer über das Serien-Aus von Anne (Ines Lutz, 39) trauern. 10 Years of war was one of the small children of the ZDF family and the founder of the sisters with their main figure Martin Gruber (Hans Sigl, 53) higher. As Anfang 2022 the letzten der 15. Bergdoktor-Saison über de Bildschirme flimmerten, war Annes Zeit in Ellmau aber plötzlich zu Ende – and Ines Lutz wendete themselves new projects.

Abschied in Staffel 15: War Annes Geschichte Schuld am Bergdoktor-Aus von Ines Lutz?

Black would find the fans of Anne and Martin a Happy Ending – this could be an unusual problem on the road: Anne could not have children. This Tatsache was in Ines Lutz’s last Bergdoktor-Folgen zu een great theme – a divorce, which is still very nice. If you start at the start of 15. Staffel gegenüber erklärte, sei es ihr “ever has become, it is a matter of certainty that no longer exists, but the Prinz seine Prinzessin is concerned.”

Zehn Jahre long played with Ines Lutz
Zehn Jahre long played Ines Lutz at “Der Bergdoktor” die Rolle der Anne. Letztes Jahr was Schluss für die Münchnerin – en Bergdoktor Martin Gruber verlor seine große Liebe. © IMAGO/Michael Wigglesworth; dpa/ZDF/Erika Hauri (Photomontage)

While Anne’s History was lying in the Herzen, it seemed that a serious Handlungsstrang was present, that Ines Lutz’s Bergdoktor-Ausstieg had been able to be carried out. Gegenüber she describes the circumstances under which she came to an end in the cult ZDF home series. “If Anne takes the trouble to do Martin’s work, the machine is working and his standard dankbar is ready, that’s a problem, but it can’t be child’s play,” the native of Munich explains.

Hans Sigls secret Gastrolle at “Der Bergdoktor”

Since 2008, Hans Sigl has been selling the title hero Martin Gruber at “Der Bergdoktor”. The emerging life of the countries is shaped by the Folge Millionen of three fans and how the actor gets one of the big stars of the German Fernsehlandschaft. What is only known: The role as the son of Lisbeth Gruber is not Hans Sigl’s first Bergdoktor-Auftritt. When the years before were in the white Arztkittel-schlüpfte, the war as a taxi driver in the series was believed, nor on Saturday 1 love and with Gerhard Lippert another Bergdoktor in the Mittelpunkt-stand. Who wer weiß – maybe a comparision from the ZDF-Remake and then a Days of the Nachfolger of Hans Sigl?


“So a role-playing picture sollte man nicht vermitteln”: Ines Lutz deutete “Bergdoktor”-Ausstieg en

Anne has remained in her marching care and Ines Lutz has been away from Ellmau – it may well be that the Entwicklung der Beziehung with Martin did not happen either. “It is a fact that people can hardly see this series and a roll note as mixed up. Anne dares to have a small fall,” said Ines Lutz for the Staff Service Department.

After Martin Gruber experiences a sad event, Anne is very interested in the mountain doctor – there are no new film projects that have power when Ines Lutz also has the books of a name.

When following the active Bergdoktor-Staffel has a dramatic impact, the end of the Vorgängerstaffel and the schmerzhaften Abschieden überbieten will be followed. Denn neben Anne loses damals auch Franziska (Simone Hanselmann, 43) Ellmau – and Martin Gruber lost two other significant persons. One of the sympathetic Landarzt who looks at the bald Glück will see the mountain doctor Martin Gruber at Franziska nach New York. Resources used:,