
Nur mit Einheimischen geht’s nicht mehr

Nur mit Einheimischen geht’s nicht mehr

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Nur mit Einheimischen geht’s nicht mehr
Die U17-Mannschaft EC Bad Tölz (hi. from left): Christine Strauß, Michaela Gruber (next to Betreuerinnen), Niklas Feicht, Tobias Haindl, Vincent Röckenschuß, Max Hofmann, Santiago Hantzsch, Bjarne Grieger, Bastian Zöhren, Michael März, Athletik-Trainer Andreas Lechner as well as (Mi.) Trainer Klaus Kathan, Maximilian Kreizer, Sebastian Heininger, Christian Fichtner, Niklas Gruber, Sebastian Rest, Kilian Heinrich, Vinzenz Schuler, Benedikt Goldschmidt, Hannes Bartl, Kristof Berta, Trainer Hans Fichtner, und ( vo.) Johannes Eberhardt, Xaver Sappl, Peter Kell, Maximilian Feichtmair, Maximilian Strauß, Lilli Gania, Johannes Haßmann, Quirin Schlager, Lukas Pause, Alexandra Boico, and Sebastian Klein. © Bettina Kinner

The U17 men’s team of the European Championship Bad Tölz will be an external player in the Bundesliga Championship round.

During the holidays of the EC Bad Tölz: They are very happy with the U17-Mannschaft since they are interested in playing, but they are also more likely to play in the region. Klaus Kathan creates a team from this Weise who is fully competitive in the 1. Bundesliga. “Inzwischen is what you are in the past,” says the ECT Coach. “Uns bleibt nichts alles übrig, als mitzumachen. Nur mit eigenen Leuten kann man heutzutage nicht mehr mihalten.”

There is a great reinforcement

In total, four new coaches are to be found in the squad. The greatest merit of Stürmer Kristof Berta is – one of the people who plays in the preview scorer point. The sweaty contingent player-stelle has become the Junglöwen and the Franzosen Ambroise Baste, the Junglöwen in the past Week ins Haus protected ist. The 15-year-old match takes place in the season of the U17 club of Hockey Club Rouen. “It will be played in the Bundesliga, which will happen if we get a final ruck-macht”, says Kathan. In one case, two weeks after the purchase of the trainers it is so that it is for the einsätze in the Bundesliga.

(Our Bad-Tölz newsletter regularly informs you about all the latest developments in the region. Report here.)

The new number is the 15-year-old Vincent Röckenschuss, not mixed with his two-year-old namesake in the Tölzer DNL-Mannschaft. Der Neuzugang hat das hockeyplayen in Landshut erlernt and war jijetzt in Österreich active. Kommplettiert with the quartet by Bjarne Grieger von den Adlern Berlin.

Neuzugänge sollen mögliche Ausfälle compensations

Miraculous things that you do not know about from the newcomers. Kathan says that it is with the newcomer that you get a compensation. Because the Tölzer has a problem in the season, in the Abschlusstabelle of the Meisterrunde is played on the Platz 13 to 14 teams. In the summer break the players play in the U20-Kader with: Torhüter Niklas Alpha, the Verteidiger Emil Stadler, Zsombor Bazsanyi and Niklas Jäger who are Stürmer Tobias Hermstedt, Tomass Sokolovs and Hans Huß.

Einheimische Spieler takes place in the Haupt-Verantwortung

The Haupt-Verantwortung tries to further develop all Veränderungen in the Framework on the establishments of einheimische Kräften with Max Feichtmair, Xaver Sappl, Vinzenz Schuler, Johannes Haßmann, Max Strauß and the last lost Quirin Schlager. “The 2008 is an even stronger vintage,” Kathan said. “Wir haben einen sehr strongen Stamm.” That’s what happened in the Test games, the Junglöwen has won everything: “Dadurch hat the Mannschaft fell Selbstvertrauen. If you are white, there is no other way.”

Das Ziel: Erst mal die Meisterrunde erreichen

Kathan den Ball will first stop for a while, proud of the good Eindrücke in der Vorbereitung. The previous Soul ist, the team on the Vorrunde Platz four erreicht and damn, who in Vorjahr, the Sprung in the Meisterrunde schafft: “Das wäre wichtig”, concrete der Coach. “Man can no longer remember and play the entire season with the strong German Mannschaften.” Dieses Mal became a very German swinger, it is prophetic that those “not able to compete” Straubinger from the Bundesliga abgestiegen since a long Aufsteiger ESV Kaufbeuren become established: “It is traditionally a stabilizing Nachwuchsverein.” The next “Evaluation Run” is for the ERC Ingolstadt, the EV Landshut, the Starbulls Rosenheim and the Rookie Bulls Munich.

“Die Spieler is een heute da hin en morgen dort hin”

Make sure that the competitors are replaced after the turn. My Kader has never had so much in common with the Kader, the man from the young Altersklassen knows: “The Vereine has all the Internationale and Wohnungen. The game takes place in the future and tomorrow – the man can no longer see the Nachwuchs-Eishockey with a fresh look.”

First Saisonspiele against Rosenheim and Kaufbeuren

Where the Tölzer Junglöwen sit, they clear after this week. A Saturday (16:30) takes place at the Starbulls Rosenheim and the Sunday (14:00) takes place at a secret Eis against the ESV-kaufbeuren. The U17 was busy with the best possible adjustments, and the U20 was eventually not played anymore.