
Photos, installations, videos: With four Ausstellungseröffnungen, the Kindl-Zentrum started in the Herbstsaison

Photos, installations, videos: With four Ausstellungseröffnungen, the Kindl-Zentrum started in the Herbstsaison

Gleich started the Kindl-Zentrum voor Zeitgenössische Kunst, Am Sudhaus 3, in the Herbstsaison with four new Ausstellungen. The opening ceremony was held at Sonnabend, September 14, from 6 to 9 p.m.

The machine house is a photo of Samuel Fosso, who can make the photos of African continents. Berühmt is a theatrical portrait, that is or other persons in the popular culture or the political network. Under the title „Black Pope“ the Kindle presented an Auswahl employee of the 1970s-Jahren bis zur Gegenwart.

Wer den Künstler kenlernen möchte, hat am Sonntag, September 15, dazu Opportunity. Um 14 Uhr führen is an art agent Jean-Marc Patras by the Ausstellung – in fransösischer und deutscher Sprache. Der Eintritt is free, a notification at notnauw.

Berliner Nina E. Schönefeld works as an interdisciplinary video artist. I would like to see how the video installation „Ride or die“ is going. The theme of the moment of separation is that a radical broader stand begins – the creation of a political jurisdiction in Europe and the deception of the waltenteilung and the freedom of the press.

In der Gruppenausstellung “The new subject. Changing rights and conditions of living bodies” among such 18 Künstlerinnen und Künstler die der Körper zum Schauplatz would have ideological and political power and befassen themselves with Widerstand against statliche control.

In the Kesselhaus, the visitors finally met an installation by Alfredo Jaar. The artist, architect and filmmaker come from Chile and live in New York. For more than 40 years, it has been a question of political themes. With the installation “The End of the World”, which is developed specifically for the Kesselhaus, there is a collection of the ecological and political criticism of our time.

The parts and delivery services are free of charge. The regulation of the art center costs four euros. Geöffnet ist wants from 12 to 20 Hours and donnerstags bis sonntags from 12 to 18 Hours.