
Brand on Volksfestplatz – Fire series?

Brand on Volksfestplatz – Fire series?

In a Wohnwagen on the Nürnberger Volksfestplatz, nights become a party, in the west of the city there are three bands. Bestht a Zusammenhang?

At night, on the Volksfestplatz in Nuremberg, there is a Feuer in a living vehicle. The occupants of the Wagons can be lost if they are brought into Security through the Fenster, teilte die Feuerwehr with. They were born with the hands of knitternden Geräuschen aus dem Schlaf geissen en habe dann noticed, dass der Wohnwagen in Flammen stand.

After a police commissioner has completed the Wagon. As a car and a load wagon are damaged, on the flaming mountain reefs. The Schadenshöhe and the Brandursache were not possible.

In Nürnberg, it has been three weeks since the fire broke out in the West of the City in the Night. The thought of the Brandstiftung cannot be removed. Der Wohnwagenbrand steht laut Sprecher ersten Ermittlungen zufolge jedoch nicht in Zusammenhang with the other Branden. Noch bis zum tomorrow Sonntag läuft in Nürnberg das Herbstvolksfest. Feuerwehrangaben can hinder the spread of the damage.