
Bremerhaven: Come back after Gift Spinning-Einsatz auslaufen

Bremerhaven: Come back after Gift Spinning-Einsatz auslaufen

Der Einsatz gegen Giftspinen und Bord eines Schiffs in Bremerhaven was found. The affected Frachter has received the Hafen-verlassen, part of the Bremen Senate with.

Before the Bremen Port Authority (PAB) takes on the responsibility to carry out the erfgreich-abgeschlossene treatment, the toxic black-and-white presentation is presented.

Gift Spider Alarm in Bremerhaven: Hafen seien vorbereitet

The short time that a single re-examination occurs and can effectively go off, says Port Captain Stephan Berger praises the contribution. The port authority has won the most famous after the Wortenbergers, a can nor a besser of such problems that react to their costs.

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If you are aware of a container in the meantime, a container can be opened. Daraufhin sei das Abladen des Schiffs is stopped. The Black White Wish was received by a factory and so received. The gift for all the art of black can be a person or another way to learn to live.

There is a problem saving the data for displaying no files. The Schiff would also not be evacuated. Laut Berger, two decks that could be released airtight were hit. A Ausbreitung der Spiders is practically ausgeschlossen gewesen.

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Before the Ankunft in Bremerhaven, the Capital of the American-American Frachters “Arc Commitment” has a possible Befall mitgeteilt. Dieser sei bereits am vorherigen Hafen im pollnischen Danzig aufgefallen and dort are treated. “Einige Spiders has an open life,” says Berger. (dpa/mp)