
Trend Urban Sketching in Rostock for sale

Trend Urban Sketching in Rostock for sale

During the city expansion and the implementation of the discoveries in the field of the development of Urban Sketching, it is probably an active trend. One of the Volkshochschule (VHS) Rostock interested parties can try out those with Gleichgesinnten. On Wednesday, September 18, an Urban-Sketching-Kurs starts at the VHS, Am Kabutzenhof 20a.

Notifications for workshop possible

Der Kurs can avoid the Möglichkeit, while die Bewegung mal in Gemeinschaft unter Anleitung mitzumachen and sich in lockerer Atmosphäre auszuprobieren and weiterzuentwickeln. The workshop starts at 3:45 PM. Register from September 12, contact 0381/3814322 or on the internet