
Tips for starting your studies

Tips for starting your studies

OO/ENNS. Am Montag, September 9, start for Upper Austrian Schüler wieder “der Ernst des Lebens”. The Arbö-Verkehrsclub and the Linzer Ordensklinikum are Eltern and Kindern Tipps for an infallible and disease-free Schulbeginn.

Damit der Schuldweg for the young American insurers, employers of Arbö Schülern, who are on the road with Roller, Scooter and Bicycle, best Rahmenconditionen one of the following: Tretroller and Scooter as well as Skateboards, Longboards and Kickboards that come from the air, in Play streets or Living streets and only in speed were driven. If children are an attention person for eight years, it takes 16 years longer.

E-scooter and bicycle

For e-scooters the rules for the Fahrrad apply. Electric switching on Roller is only for the cycle path, secondary strip or the road bestimmt. If a path is covered, it can no longer be used. With the e-scooter the child’s life of the children or children lasts, the spirit has never been so long ago and a Fahrradausweis has been, driving. Under twelve-year-olds must carry a helmet. Second-time driving is forbidden.

Lighting at E-Scooter

In case of darkness, a white light and a light rotating light must be used. Whoever has an E-Scooter with the same effect, rear light or rear light foil (to white, to hints of red, to the side yellow), a Glocke looks at it, white light and a red rear light out.

Schultasche justifies slowness

The debts are resolved in the back and both debts are collected. The fahrverhalten continue with the weight of their sister – the sollte in Vorfeld is made.

Not on the path of balance, but on a healthier path, the right path is wise. The Gurte ganz lang zu lassen or the task of a tragedy, which by Primar Reinhold Ortmaier, Orthopedie-Abteilungsleiter in Linzer Ordensklinikum, no form of Wirbelsäule, is for a natural Körperhaltung aber auch nicht förderlich: “Bevor es zu Folgeschäden kom mt , Suppose you have a muskelverspannung and schmerzen ein.” Imagine “passing the blame with the blame. Schwere Gegenstände heard in de Schultasche, leichtere Dinge außen, damit das Weight gut verilt ist“, so Ortmaier.