
Das Zentrum für Telemedizin (ZTM) rettet Leben.

Das Zentrum für Telemedizin (ZTM) rettet Leben.

“Wir wollen Daten reisen lassen, keine Ärzte und Patients,” says Sebastian Dresbach, Geschäftsführer of ZTM Bad Kissingen GmbH. Gegründet wurde das Unternehmen for eleven Years im unterfränkischen Bad Kissingen, als der Einsatz digitaler Technology im Gesundheitswesen, E-Health geannnt, nor in the Children’s Shoes steckte. It is a specialist for telemedizine, who is 70 minutes civilized, if there are more watches, who insgesamt the industry. “Wir vernetzen Kliniken untereinander, Versorger und Patients miteinander”, erklärt Dresbach, der rund 20 Year im Rettungsdienst tätig war and berufsbegleitend BWL studyrte.

Started hat man 2010 with a renewal. 2013 gründete man parallel zum Verein die GmbH. 2015 kam Asarnusch Rashid als zweiter Geschäftsführer hinzu. There is a war against Abteilungsleiter at the FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik in Karlsruhe. 2021 would be a sister foundation. Das Unternehmen develops Softwaresolutions. “We have all our medical staff in our care, our doctors and our physiotherapists,” says Dresbach. The Digital Notfall Management „NIDAklinik“ is of great importance. It is connected to Rettungsdienste mit Kliniken. “Fast 70 Prozent all Universitätskliniken haben unsere Systeme im Einsatz.”

In Germany, there is more use of mobile documentation systems, literally in tablets, which are entered into the Rettungsdienst. Here all patient data, including ECG, photos, patient master data and the notarial and Rettungsdienst protocol, are stored. If a rescue vehicle in the clinic has a problem, this data can be removed and deleted. It may be that the first is a problem with the treatment of some patients. “Every minute that is lost, heart muscle cells break down,” says Dresbach.

Marktführer in the Network of Rettungsdiensten and Kliniken

If the NIDA clinic takes over the information of the clinic, this information about the patient can be provided. Monthly love around 150,000 Einsätze over the Software. The net trip starts with Dresbach from 15,000 Euro. “If the ECG was performed in the clinic, there was a quick and judicial treatment, but it was possible to come back.” I am a Market Leader of the Networking of Rescue Services and Clinics of Companies with over 400 affiliated clinics in Germany.

The ZTM also serves niche markets. A tip is the “MIA backpack”, which can be used for the Arztpraxen. In the area of ​​the GmbH, all offers are available on the market that strengthens the market. Equipped with modern medical technology and a tablet, the backpack can be medically changed, which makes the only throughput of home visits with a direct connection to the home doctor. There is a chance that part of the rights in the country is guaranteed. The price of backpacks starts from 3500 euros.

“I developed the pilot project of the MIA backpacks from Anfang,” says Michael Wehner, Managing Director of the Seniorenwohnheim am Saaleufer GmbH from Bad Bocklet. “During the processing of vital signs and ECG data, the treatment can provide an image of the patient who is dealing with separating them and receive a notification,” says Wehner. “We use the MIA backpack both in the senior home and in the outpatient area, to make the medical care in the future more secure and to clean up resources.”

Patient under standard observation

Another product is the E-Health platform “Curafida”. It is important that you integrate more systems such as electronic patient certificates. Verschiedene Module ermöglichen zum Beispiel de Televisite mit Patients, de prolonger Speicherung van Patientendaten und erleichttern de Zusammenarbeit met fachspezifische Kollegen.

The product “Copilot” has a sensor that a specifier of the Raumes has received during a long inactive war and a statutory financing that is possible. Then you can adjust the voltage or the voltage at a medium distance from the radio station. A notification can take place. This system is installed in good 900 apartments, also in care secrets.

With “VirtualNoPain” the man has developed a product for anxiety therapy at the University of Würzburg and VTplus GmbH. The patient has a nice pair of glasses. “We can run in a tower, when there is a top hat, we can ride in front of groups, we can also run spiders in space, to overcome his fear”, explains Dresbach. ZTM is instructed in the development of the University of Würzburg, the E-Health festival in the integrated Medizinstudium.

Finanzierung über Freestaat and Landkreis

Vertreter von Hochschulen, Universitäten und Medizintechnikunternehmen images de Vorstand und Beirat des Zentrums für Telemedizin eV; This is intended for the expansion of telemedicine. Verein und GmbH clearly wants to offer other financing options. The financing of the Vereins is mainly aimed at the Freistaat Bayern and the Landkreis Bad Kissingen. “Der Freistaat fördert den Verein zu 90 Prozent der Gesamtkosten im Jahr. That costs 550,000 to 650,000 euros per year,” says Dresbach. I vergangen Jahr habe die GmbH gut 5 Millionen Euro Umsatz erwirtschaftet. Das Unternehmen is located in Switzerland and Austria. “A treatment has been established by the first Dutch clinic.”

At the main residence the Unternehmen houses another project: “Dein Haus 4.0”. “The Penthouse is a must-have apartment that offers a longer theme in the house”, explains Dresbach. There are sensors in the food and senior citizens, for example a soup counter with a clouded floor, which prevents people from eating chickens. If Demenz has a problem with cooking, the herd recognizes that if we no longer want to enjoy and food starts to do our cooking or our work – and will be automatically removed.

The article comes from the Schüler project “Jugend und Wirtschaft”.