
HSG Nienburg with home premiere against TV Schiffdorf in the Regional Handball League

Nienburg. The home premiere in the new season of the handball regional league has been held: The HSG Nienburg will be played on TV Schiffdorf at 31:27 (17:13), a few times to be played.

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“Heute three, gone two weeks,” said HSG leader Steve Kählke after Abpfiff. A list of Nienburgers has appeared, but there are no Tore of Zeitstrafen – de Anzahl-zerschlissener Trikots-steht. In the second half of the game, which resembles TV Schiffdorf, you then have to improvise. The shirt is more with Kählkes Rückennumber 23 – a message from Nico Fiebiger, the Rückennumber 2, is executed by hand, stamped once and written in a game message. Immerhin: Die Notlösung holds bis zum Schluss.

Steht Fiebiger-drauf, ist aber Steve Kählke drin.

Steht Fiebiger-drauf, ist aber Steve Kählke drin.

Aber auch Teamkollege Bjarne Niemeyer is with the new outfit of “Meerbachspatzen” nor is he going to a Wellenlange. In the area where Niemeyer is located, a hand is held in the hand, a hand that cannot be used. Dieses Handtuch fehlte gegen Schiffdorf auf seiner Hose. “For this reason, it is lovely but not so good,” he laughed, “I am very happy with fashion.”

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Proud of these fashion spears the Red-Blacks saw out without a strike but a grim job. I had time to say it was a problem, but the TVS could not see anymore. More HSG-Würfe landed at the house and stands like this after 21 minutes after the breakout – 11:11.

Nienburg's Paul Hildebrandt saw a signaler between Tore.

Nienburg’s Paul Hildebrandt saw a signaler between Tore.

But a final sprint of the “Meerbachspatzen” lies on the half-time with 17:13 hours. When you leave the door, there is no more locker. For all Keeper Tim Buschhorn it is a lot more time for him. On the Parade-paradise, teilweise in a time-spending at the pace of the guests, there is a demand and a powerful Leistung with an own hit – there is a ball and a feuerte in the doctrine of Schiffdorfer Tor zum 25:19 (45. ).

If the HSG no longer works in the next phase of the procedure, it is not that a German may have been more. So the Kreis-Cuxhavener still whiten a single short Hoffnung, but the war spätestens nach dem 30:23 per Siebenmeter by Kählke dahin.

Winner of the match: HSG goalkeeper Tim Buschhorn.

Winner of the match: HSG goalkeeper Tim Buschhorn.

“Wir haben etwas gebrucht, were not rightly justified”, quickly said Nienburg’s Coach Tobias Naumann, “whose Jungs kept the tempo high and had the best of the Pausenvorsprung well enjoyed.”

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Another problem is that Kapitän Malte Grabisch, who has made a long translation of the flat war, should be postponed in the Halbzeit: Er is wat ze verlet.

Nienburg's Alexander Päßler feert den Heimsieg.

Nienburg’s Alexander Päßler feert den Heimsieg.

  • HSG Nienburg: Buschhorn 1, L. Meierhans 1 m. 7m – Fiebiger 1, Kühlcke 3, Grabisch 2, Hain 3, Niemeyer 3, Hildebrandt 2, Meyer, Borowski 3, Kählke 11/5, C. Meierhans 2, Päßler, Kock
  • Screen printing meter: 5/5 – 5/6
  • Time penalties: 4 (Malte Grabisch, Anton Borowski, Steven Kählke, Conrad Meierhans) – 3
  • Feature film: 2:2, 7:7 11:11, 14:12, 17:13 (30.), 23:19, 27:20, 30:23, 31:28 (60.)