
Bürgergeld-Empfängerin frustriert – “Man can’t care for himself”

Bürgergeld-Empfängerin frustriert – “Man can’t care for himself”

In the new series ‘Hartz and Herzlich’ you see the RTL2 Zuschauer, who is Petra and his family. The Bürgergeld-Empfängerin ist der Liebe roads in a Nacht- en Nebel-Aktion von Mannheim nach Dessau. Do the vermeintliche Neuanfang entpuppte sich quickly als Albtraum.

The Bürgergeld-Empfänger also packed their seven bags together again and went back to Mannheim. For Petra now one of the next things is: the housing directive must be prepared at the Jobcenter. A bag is so bare, that it is bad.

Bürgergeld-Empfängerin ist laborlos

Kaum in Mannheim is confronted with the tension that is released. Petra has put a point on her To-Do-List, that is: ‘The following writing is one of the most important things. First I go to the job center and the registration. Then I make the change, arrange furniture, call the health insurance and change the self-stability.’

+++ Bürgergeld-Empfängerin über Arbeitnehmer – “Those poor people care for our labor” +++

In the last staff of “Hartz und Herzlich” is the citizen money company with the self-reliance probably. Petra, Pascal and Selina want to start on Tik Tok and make a small gesture. Staatliche Hilfen has no more comments on Anspruch-gemommen. It may be that the family is nunändern.

Bürgergeld-Empfängerin will wieder work

The money empire at Petra has not disappeared. It is possible that you are working with Son Pascal and Freundin Lea. “We want to see that we are working again. When you have learned, if you can do nothing, then you can no longer read. We want to stand on our own legs now”, so the Bürgergeld-Empfängerin. It is possible that you are in the future.

+++ Bürgergeld-Empfänger bricht Ausbildung ab – “Habe genauso fell Geld wie ein normaler Arbeitnehmer” +++

More information is available here for this addition:

The new next series of „Hartz und Herzlich – Tag für Tag aus de Benz-Baracken launch until Wednesday from 6.05 PM in TV-Programm von RTL2. After the message has been sent in the Media Library at RTL+.