
Climatic hiking and Schifffahrt gefährden Wal-Wanderroutes From dpa-AFX

Climatic hiking and Schifffahrt gefährden Wal-Wanderroutes From dpa-AFX

LIMA (dpa-AFX) – The summer shipping traffic in the Arctic has been promoted by a report from the WWF environmental protection organisation to the established hiking trails of the Wale. In the summer and winter district you will find the Frühjahr and in the herb garden the “Blauer Korridore” in the summer and winter district. The WWF has now mapped the hiking trails of the architectural sea caves for a new report and completed them with shipping routes in the region.

“Arktische Wale und Schiffe nutzen oft dieselben Routen, das eigen de new Karten deutlich. Für die Wale wird das gefährlich, der Unterwasserlärm setzt ihnen to and the Risk of Schiffskollisionen ist hoch”, says Heike Zidowitz from WWF Deutschland. From 2013 to 2023, the Zahl der Schiffe in an archaeological survey was a 37-year company, the zurückgelegte Entfernung has doubled. While the climbing walk is not due to the pressure on the Arctic wall, this is still in the message. The Arktis is warm as its quadruple speed as the Peace of the Planet.

WWF: Fahrtgeschwindigkeit muss reduziert

The WWF provides the shipping industry, the corridor of the Walloons at the Kursplanung that is being examined. If the route does not last longer, the Fahrtgeschwindigkeit must be reduced. “Narwhales, Belugas and Greenland wales have developed an optimal capacity and have never ended up on the planets again”, says WWF expert Zidowitz. “But Wale knows no borders, and his walking route is a more national and international experience, which fixes a rope to the cords for his protection.”

Derzeit beraten beef 400 Delegierte aus 88 Ländern bei der 69. Konferenz der Internationalen Walfangkommission (IWC) in Lima über de Schutz der Meeressäuger. In the debate center, resolutions from the world of the Walfang-Verbots are an example of the Walfangs for the Ernährungssicherheit and an Antrag for a Schutzgebiet for Wale in South Africa.