
Baden-Württemberg: Suchthelfer schulen Beauftragte von Cannabis-Vereinen – Südwest – Nachrichten und Aktuelles

Baden-Württemberg: Suchthelfer schulen Beauftragte von Cannabis-Vereinen – Südwest – Nachrichten und Aktuelles

Renchen. (dpa/lsw) After the reports of cannabis legalization for the full year in Germany, such work begins with the sogenannten Anbauvereinen. Special Beauftragte der Clubs für Gesundheits- and Jugendschutz were protected, which the Baden-Württembergische Landesverband für Prävention und Rehabilitation in Renchen (Ortenaukreis) reported.

The Cannabis Regulations are such that they are necessary and that they are responsible for purchasing. “I have a chance here,” said Verbandsgeschäftsführer Oliver Kaiser, in charge of the Mitteilung. “Wir können präventiv tätig zijn en kommen mit Menschen

in Kontakt, die bisher keinen Kontakt zur Suchtberatung hatten.”

In the southwest I have used 50 types of cannabis of cannabis in the form of a savory. There is a possibility or a possibility to make separations, but it is not possible to spread a Freiburger Regierungspräsidium about a message. The management is landsweit for the general responsibility.

Only allow the appliance to warm up

Max Hendel of the Cannabis Social Club in Rastatt said that most of the world would be empty, that the Mitglieder would have the responsible consumption of Cannabis. The expertise of such matters is hilarious.

After the release of Cannabis for adults and private establishments with token orders war am 1. July a second step in power getterten. No commercial activities with a distance of 500 meters are very light and the start is not good. Full people can then use cannabis and no longer use their own property. The Clubs are first one of the first results that there are. Make sure you have the regularity of the controls.

New rules since April 1st

General is the order for adults since 1 April with restrictions legal. It is a good idea to do the construction of a few weeks in private homes, where you can buy a man with 50 grams of cannabis.

The Landesverband for Prevention and Rehabilitation is by its very nature one of the great Träger der Suchhilfe in the Southwest. Consulting bodies were Geschäftsführer Kaiser who focused on the jewels of the Landkreisen and the financing of the Land Baden-Württemberg.