
High Gebühren at Säule 3A: Total Verlust für Versicherungskunden

High Gebühren at Säule 3A: Total Verlust für Versicherungskunden


Insurance«Einzahlung weg»: 22-Jähriger erleidet Säule 3a-Totalverlust

A younger insurance science report, that is the Säule-3a-Capital at the Vertragskündigung on 0 absank. The insurance argumentation, the product is postponed on a long term.

Sebastian Richter
  • A Kunde loses signal Säule-3A-Guthaben roads Costs, which I was not possible.

  • The Versicherung has started, the costs are transparent. A Kündigung in de 1st Versicherungsjahren sei für Kunden unvorteilhaft.

  • Expert assessments of the Presence of Delays with unclear environmental structures.

It is the war of the «Insurance Skäse 2019» – under the com from Liechtenstein. An app that produces products of the “Liechtenstein Life Assurance”, which is “Prosperity – WohlstandsVorsorge”, is opaque, but is a matter of the duration of the German Bund der Versicherten (BdV) that has a zweifelhaften-auszeichnung.

“Creating a world and a locking process could lead to product information that can be found on the Prosperity website,” which is where the dams come from. If the Gesellschaft has an unanswered question, while the business is being run, there are no costs involved.

«Immer whoer bekommen Leute was aufgeschwatzt»

A year ago there was a report about a problem with Liechtenstein Life Assurance AG. A News-Scout started in 20 minutes.

“When I’m busy with Leuten, a Säule-3A product from Liechtenstein Life is a good choice..” A year later, an article appeared that the 22-year-old is graduating, which is a matter of money.

Of 1100 Franks there were no more than 261 übrig

«Trotz Einzahlungen von 1100 Francs lay mein Guthaben completely with 261 Francs», went to 20 Minuten. After a telephony, in the form of the Mitarbeiter-vermittelde Kracht, the Fondswert nur has been raised by Corona and the Ukraine-Russia-Krieg so tive, because it is a clear representation. “Zu meiner Überraschung gab eshr velde Gebühren, die both der Beratung nie erwähnt be sin.” The News-Scout was looking for the Vertragsabschluss of the Vermittler a Provision of 600 Francs.

Because it is a product that has gone crazy, the policy of the Rückerstattungsbetrokken is no longer Franken. “I have also liked Rappen bekomen and the invested money lost, the ways of the storm surge and the high debts”, said in 20 minutes. Everything indicates that the Versicherungsgesellschaft with that of the Sixth Versicherungsjahr will not be a Stornoabschlag that was true.

That’s life in Liechtenstein

“If the Basis of the Telephony Agreements is no longer valid, it is the case that the financing of the Funds is not carried out by the business practice of Liechtenstein Life Assurance AG”, says Liechtenstein Life mit. Life in Liechtenstein vertreibe your products through a continuous financing and small investments and your knowledge and skills ab.

«The livelihood from Liechtenstein is lifeless in the arrangement for the private alternatives with a requisite duration of 30 years conzipiert. This Grund is a Kündigung in the first Verzicherungsjaarren für Kunden unvorteilhaft. In this way and at all costs of life in Liechtenstein, life in Liechtenstein in the general health care in the future is made possible, while life in Liechtenstein is damaged with the consequences thereof.

«Product under Swiss law»

Bezüglich of Auszeichnung als «Versicherungskäse» teilt Liechtenstein Life mit: «Kritisiert wurde ausschliesslich der digital Vertrieb unserer Product in Deutschland. In de Schweiz Wurden Produkte von Liechtenstein Life is not the affected digital Vertriebsweg vertrieben. Since 2019, we have been dying in Germany since then. Products from Liechtenstein Life, which are used for the demand in the Schweiz angeboten, remove the Schweizer right and prevent the Schweizer DSGs from being revised.»

Would you like to make a dish from the performance of a Säule 3A-möglich?

Changes in the 3A series can be carried out for one year before the lease changes of the AHV are carried out. If you want the years to be suspended, the erwerbstätigkeit is carried out again.

A previous time the alternative guidelines were performed was when:

– the previous time an invalid interest on the invalid sick leave arose and the disability risks were not insured.

– der Vorsorgenehmer eine indändige Erwerbstätigkeit aufnimmt.

– der Vorsorgenehmer die Schweiz endgültig verlässt.

– der Vorsorgenehmer Wohneigentum zum Eigenbedarf erwirbt or der Hypothekardarlehen zurückzahlt.

You can use the Säule 3A for installation in a prefabricated 2-seater or in another prefabricated form when the Säule 3A is being upgraded.

It is important to pay attention to the Financial Services Managers

“The big picture is a fact, before a man has made a report with an undisputed financial service,” says Sara Stalder of the consumer protection foundation. Man will not go through a certain time and overlook a dream. In unclear cases, man is a man who Finma turns and makes his insurance provider sensible.

«You are the leader of the Wildwuchs in this area. Shrill will sound the alarm when the police stop communicating, Stalder says. If the financing service is a lucrative business, it becomes a stupor or scarlatation, which is a bad thing in that area. “The 20-Minute Reader’s Total Damages are dealt with by the user, which results in a series of episodes,” Stalder said.

Total lust in the early years is not unusual

“Grundsätzlich verchnen the Lebensversicherer bei solchen Verträgen die Abschluskosten and Provisions in the first three years of the time with the end-bezahlten Prämien des Kunden”, said Michael Gäumann vom Vermögenszentrum. Whoever or whatever information received about the Abschluss and the Kunden will never see again.

«The financing of the costs is a cost saving in the first years with a total delight.» It was in the fall that it was positive: a problem with the costs would be a transparent solution for the costs. «Many versions are lovely or less detailed on this theme.» The telephone support can not be more detailed and can not be more detailed.

«Lieber ein End mit Schrecken als een Schrecken ohne End»

Gäumann sees as Fazit aus diesem Fall: «We are able to save and be able to continue to grow.» So if a man makes more money, an opaque cost drop and his 3A loss can be more flexible on the jewelry beds that match. «In consideration of the beiliegenden Kundenfall kann man etwas salopp sisterammenfassen: Lieber ein End with Schrecken als een Schrecken ohne End.»

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