
Ski Ikone kehrt zurück – Anhänger sind von seiner Physis tief beeindruckt

Ski Ikone kehrt zurück – Anhänger sind von seiner Physis tief beeindruckt

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Marcel Hirscher plans his Weltcup Comeback in October. Signal Wiedereinstieg in unterklassige Rennserie scheiterte jedoch kürzlich.

Annaberg in the Lammertal – The spectacle-rückkehr of Marcel Hirscher in the Ski-Weltcup does not come any further. A winter sports fan will often enjoy: The 35-year-olds praise themselves for their top fitness – they try an unerwarteten experience in their Comeback plan.

Ski Superstar reports about it – Fans since the sign form will be finalized

In the Frühjahr, the Hirscher is for a real blast in the Ski World: The eight-time Gesamtweltcup-Sieger, the Laufbahn 2019 has made its comeback and a new national flag. Depending on the season you wish to attend, you will train in the intensive weeks in Neuseeland. At the end of August, Dort Wollte is in the lower class racing of the Australia New Zealand Cup in the northern Coronet Peak and the start has begun.

In Wetter, especially stronger rain, might not help Hirscher a Strich through the Rechnung. The travel trip is a “few days fresher than planned” from. Jetzt reports at the age of 35 Instagram – with a number of messages Post: „Surück bei meinen Wurzeln, Training auf dem Spielplatz der Natur“, write the Ski-Ikone. A Schnapschuss-zeigte Hirscher beim Lauftraining on the Gosaukamm in the Dachstein massif on the Austrian Annaberg, on Heimatort. Seine fans watch the form of skiing being performed.

Marcel Hirscher went bald during World Cup Comeback. Bereits jetzt is the best for the Dutch association for the Ski-Star top fit.
Marcel Hirscher went bald during World Cup Comeback. Bereits jetzt is the best for the Dutch association for the Ski-Star top fit. © Pro Shots / Image

Impressive Legs: Hirscher-Anhang reacts to his Oberschenkel

„The two are well received“, are accompanied by an anchor in the commentary section, and are accompanied by another support: „Was it for an upper portion of the muskulatur?

Rund a single half Monate for the World Cup Auftakt in Sölden on October 27. Hirscher is also top fit and enjoys the Home Luft in the Bergen. Kurz nach seiner Rückkehr nach Österreich hatte der Crown Given that the high physical standards of the national slopes are marked, they die in a positive manner: “There is a war for my best efforts, the fitness environment is stimulated.” The youngest Schnappschuss is best for these Eindhoven days.

“Trainer not so fell”: Fans are sorry about Ski-Ikone Hirscher

The Alpine panorama in the background ensures that there are some fans. “Wunderschön” or “Training mit Aussicht” war among the Beitrag Hirschers, who encountered a tragic accident in Neuseeland, was struck by lesen.

If you get the same impulses when you’re not around: “Hirschi, trainer” fell in the change, not, that you in winter the power out”, wrote an observant sympathizer of the 35-years. Attacks on Anhang stood out, that is the Kurz-Comeback in Weltcup-stays.

Trotz der Nicht-Teilnahme and the Vorbereitungsracen in Neuseeland muss Hirscher nicht een seinen Start at Riesenslalom in Sölden End of October bang. Grund hierfür ist een omststromene Wildcard, de International Ski-Verband (FIS) die nur seinetwegen. (wuc)