
Aufwachsen in East Germany: Wir Wendekinder

Aufwachsen in East Germany: Wir Wendekinder

The writer Paula Irmschler was born in Dresden in 1989. Look at the country tags that reflect when you look at the East German world.

The Band Tokio Hotel, photographed on 17.12.2005 on tour in Magdeburg.

An Otexport from Magdeburg, in Germany and in the world: the Band Tokio Hotel Photo: Achenbach u. Pacini / VISA

There is a stage in meinem Kopf. Darauf sits Dirk Oschmann, Ilko-Sascha Kowalczuk and the others, jemand von der Time in the east, someone from the Time In the West and a writer of Scripture it is Wendekind. Eva Schulz moderates. When they discussed, the east was loose, with our democracy, who wants to do more things. Wieder. Miteinander. Rode. That is that Soul. Auch das Publikum soll dazu mal was sagen. The stage in my Kopf is one of the best things, a conversation piece. We would like to have a different reason, and heavy weeder. All. Who früher or who später.

I am totally leather and full, full of East, West, Eastwestostwest, aber eigentlich since both Wörter, the kleben bleiben, sie since leer een inhalten or zu vol, soft drink man not more expensive. But more than I do with the theme (or the Mythos? or the Klischee? or the problem?) “Ost” civilization, but more than that it is stable. It is true that it is not known. Was it East, was it West, was it open and was it unten? War since we, and wer seid ihr, and warum?

We are here to help you with your children

If Wendekinder is aware, he will stay a little longer. Before Geburt had such a great experience, he probably would not have spoken: the GDR. We still have egg cups and lie in the garden and in Gerhard Schöne – for us were normal cups, lie and songs, also long-term. Everything was the man who occupied the GDR time, the war was raunen, the war was sad and bad, but that was früher. The war is now one, two, three, four, fun and then 15 and 20 years long.

In 2014 the year started with her, and I have never been so old, as I have won in the course of time: Booster Energy. The GDR after the war will last long, and the war is good. Who has ever done anything, as far as sad, erleichtert, a, free, work, profit making, dafür, dagegen, that is so gewusst or gespürt haben, is it an interesting? It is all normal.

In the Nullern War the GDR died its year. We are very happy with our labels on our own Münder, wollen berühmt zijn, träumten von der Ferne. Der Ort, eine zu Eltern lebten: ein Witz. Viele Witze.

Olli Geißen, Henry Maske, the Princes, Nena, all the stories in front of the camera were about this day, in the Mauer-veld. Plakate, Trabis, Jubeln, finally war’s over, kissing Pärchen in Jeans, immer wieder. In the country, in the event that the war takes place, you dare not help us anymore, but you will have more difficulty winning. The Western war is a war that will yield much wool. The Western war: Comedy from Cologne, Music from London and Film from New York. Muhe geben!

When the Fernsehen erfuhren are, our dialect is pitiful, unsexy and stupid, with hasty frills and shabby names haben, die with arm and prick, that is with Müll sind, immersion in Fernsehen. If it is good, it is a matter of time. The edges of the Erzgebirge and Tokio Hotel from Magdeburg were good in the charts, such as Hartz IV.

In the Zehnern War the GDR will be destroyed first. Jetzt was all frustrated and sad in the West, with the war as vorbei. How come we’ve never had a country before? Wasn’t it yet? Ossibücher, Ossibücher, Ossibücher, Talkshows, Podien, Dokus, Konzerte. It would be a bad hinge fahren. Was it the East, was the West neglected? After the 20-year anniversary, it will be 25 years, or even 30 years among the Jeans-Craftschenden.

Die 2020er: Since we have been there and in the West, we know people, it is hard to see. There are people who study, study or know people who are on the Internet. If it’s good, if it is, then it happened. We are couples at the West party, we are Ossis since. Dass was different. Aber was? That people in their homeland are sadder since. Aber wir sagen: ehrlicher. And: the hamburger is no longer cooked.

You are of the opinion that the man in your house is, if you have a lie, the power, your power, and a normal vulgar word – whoever you are. If you do not want another to get the help of your servants*innen, this is a standard money of the Eltern pump. If you expect a lot from each other, it was possible to get as ostdeutsch and westdeutsch, kommen immer wieder an Grenzen, tegen auf Widersprüche, verwerfen Gewissheiten.

There is a place in the Land of the Elders

For 30, 40 years it has been time to leave a country in Eltern, it has not been more than a year since it was the best in the country. We find manches gut, Ostalgie nennt man das, else sehr schlecht. There is war in an unjust state. We are proud of the rest of the East Germans, and we know the majority of the West Germans. Go to Dörfer in the Erzgebirge, in the Thuringian hinterland, in the Alltag in Rostock and Brandenburg. In the cultural and sepia-farbene films in Eastern Europe it is under East Berlin.

We are talking to friends and companions. There are only a few links to delete: so it is not that it occurs in the West, but it is not that capitalism changes. Not like that and not like that and not like that. But who thinks?

Mal wieder Wahlen, mal wieder Podien. Whoever finds it, it’s nothing. It is a mental, free time, meinung, all that great understanding. Dan wieder das Kleine. Klöße, Simson, Frauen dared to work. In Dokus, cities are clear, as they are in a fernen Land: Jena lies on the right, in Chemnitz steht der Nischel, Görlitz is on the border. Do you want to put an end to your understanding? If you knew, who was lying? A People, from Eisenach or Wuppertal.

Der dumme Ossi rafft’s nur wieder nicht, ihm muss irgendwas were brought? No. It is clear that the AfD-steht

Those Mauer dazwischen, those in the Köpfen, must go. Debattenwahnsinn. Ostdeutsche können mit der Freiheit nicht umgehen, Ostdeutsche sehnen sich nach Autorität, Ostdeutsche were “geothert”, Ostdeutsche sind wieder stolz, neither an aspect nor one of them. Editorial staff in West Germany deal with the East German, those straight Wahl der East German reactions. Do you know something?, if you are in the Redaktionschatgroep – Yes, I know something, I schick dir the Contact.

Everything that is a big problem is a problem and a combination of things – it is not the case that Western human needs exist. Ben Rande, aber da, is mal darum: een ungleichheiten in Bezug auf Wohnen, Arbeit, Einkommen, Gesundheit, Verkehr, Teilhabe – sprrich um die in Osten starker, aber nicht nur exclusive by the present Strukturarmut, in der Recht Ideologien am best deihen können

Themes, the West German, Londoner and New Yorker can make sure that the man Verbindungen restores and can be in solidarity, while the man can have the same Kämpfe. Gerade with people, it would take a long time before organizations could conduct their power struggle. When everything has happened, it is not that it is dreht itself.

A natural man dies by taking people seriously. But people, the right wing, ebenso – and black as that, was being: right. The stupid Ossi only raffts not again, he must be brought to beige tomorrow? No. It is clear that the AfD-state and that is not even a page of Ausgebeuteten-state. If all goes well, you will visit another country.

It is a separation, the man hits (and if you can hit something else). It is like this: the man is poor and abgehängt, and the manche is right. Both are hilft left, anti-capitalist, anti-fascist politics.

But as I said only once, so I am Rande. In the middle of the world are the big companies and corporations, the reporters in the media libraries and the texts, a new generation – they make sims, techno and stand of the most German recipes. Who ticks them now again?

If it is not that long, it is not that long ago that everything happened and the West cannot deform itself. Much happiness there. I play neither BAP nor Krumbiegel a Concert for Democracy.